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Rate my pachirisu

hey, this is a plan to do i know he's not the best electric type but he is my fave.

Pachirisu @ leftovers
Ev's 250 in speed and sp.Atk
ability: pickup

sleep talk
discharge/ thunderbolt

any thought's welcome.


Water Drop
Since Pachirus's Speedy, you should give him an item that will restore sleep, a berry or something...


Pippi! Pi!
hey, this is a plan to do i know he's not the best electric type but he is my fave.

Pachirisu @ leftovers
Ev's 250 in speed and sp.Atk
ability: pickup

sleep talk
discharge/ thunderbolt

any thought's welcome.
Replace shockwave with super fang or thunder wave. :p That's my thought.
Pachirisu @ chesto berry? (recovers sleep)
Ev's 250 in speed and sp.Atk
ability: pickup

thunder wave
super fang

is this better? i like this combonation the super fang suits him.


Exams already?!
Would an annoyer be good?

;417; Pachirisu @ Something
Ability: Pick Up
- Discharge
- Thunder Wave
- Sweet Kiss
- Attract

You can paralyze, confuse, and attract the opponent (if it's the opposite gender) at the same time, and either they wouldn't be able to attack most of the time, or they would switch, giving you a free turn to use Discharge. Basic parattractafusion. (Was it called that way?)