Legendary Trainer
i need help on attacks to make them better now i must tell you this is what they know for now.
Dragonite - thunderwave, dynamicpunch, icywind, dragon breath
typhlosion - earthquake, thunderpunch, flamethrower, irontail
hypno - psychic,hypnosis,icepunch, shadow ball
ampharos - thunderwave,irontail,firepunch,thunderpunch
gyarados - surf, hiddenpower, dragonbreath, leer
nidoking - earthquake, icepunch, leer, irontail
if you must know about the odd moves for dragonite - thunderwave, dynamicpunch, and icy wind was to annoy
with dynamicpunch for confusing, icy wind to slow down , and thunderwave
for paralysis, dragon breath as a stab move plus another way to paralyze( ill teach it outrage later when i reach the level & replace dragonbreath for it))
Dragonite - thunderwave, dynamicpunch, icywind, dragon breath
typhlosion - earthquake, thunderpunch, flamethrower, irontail
hypno - psychic,hypnosis,icepunch, shadow ball
ampharos - thunderwave,irontail,firepunch,thunderpunch
gyarados - surf, hiddenpower, dragonbreath, leer
nidoking - earthquake, icepunch, leer, irontail
if you must know about the odd moves for dragonite - thunderwave, dynamicpunch, and icy wind was to annoy
with dynamicpunch for confusing, icy wind to slow down , and thunderwave
for paralysis, dragon breath as a stab move plus another way to paralyze( ill teach it outrage later when i reach the level & replace dragonbreath for it))