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Rate my planned team


Bonsly lover 4 life!
PorygonZ@Adherence glasses
Zap Cannon

Dotaidos@Miracle seed
Wood Hammer
Leaf Storm
Stone Edge

Parukia@Pearl Orb
Pulse Bomb
Aqua Tail
Space Break
Ice Beam

Garadina@Spell Tag
Shadow Drive
Shadow Claw
Pulse Bomb
Land power

Weavile@Concentration bond
Shadow Claw
Metal Claw
Blade test
Snow slide

Lucario@Kings Rock
Dragon Pulse
Pulse Bomb
Luster Cannon


Feel The Chaos!
PorygonZ@Adherence glasses
Hyperbeam - Ice Beam
Zap Cannon-ThunderBolt
Lock-on-Shadow Ball
For me PorygonZ should be a Mix SP Sweeper
Dotaidos@Miracle seed
Wood Hammer-Crunch
Leaf Storm/RazorLeaf
Stone Edge-Crunch
I'm not very happy with the Accuracy of StoneEdge,so Crunch suits me
Parukia@Pearl Orb
Pulse Bomb
Aqua Tail-Surf
Space Break
Ice Beam
Take some advantage of its high Sp.Attk and its not helping with aqua tail, so if i were you i would go with Surf.
Garadina@Spell Tag
Shadow Drive
Shadow Claw-Dragon Claw
Pulse Bomb
Land power
Dont use 2 of the same attacking moves
Weavile@Concentration bond
Shadow Claw
Metal Claw
Blade test
Snow slide
Weavile is Fine
Lucario@Kings Rock
Extermespeed-Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse
Pulse Bomb
Luster Cannon
The Team is Fine if you go with Some Good Movesets.


Bonsly lover 4 life!
I put shadow claw in there as well because I wanted to take advantage of spell tag, and with Dotaitos I put stone edge to take down ones like skarmory and tropius, 2 grass moves for miracle seed. I might think about razor leaf though. Surf is a good idea I always want a good surfer...

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
Not men to interject....but shouldnt weavile have Aerial Ace because of that
x4 weakness to Fighting?


i hAVe A n05e
Post EVs, Natures and Abilities if you want to get a proper rate at all.

loling at lock-on on a choice specs user


through the loop.
Concentration bond

This thread is pretty awful.

"Learn 2 Pokemon" is a bit bland but in all honesty, spending a while reading articles on Smogon or something would really do you some good...