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Rate my Ruby team?

I have:

Lv. 38 Spinda ||Moves: Teeter Dance, Dizzy Punch, Faint Attack, Psybeam||Ability: Own Tempo||Nature: Modest||
Lv. 39 Castform ||Moves: Powder Snow, Shock Wave, Thunder Bolt, Weather Ball||Ability: Forecast||Nature: Serious||
Lv. 44 Swampert ||Moves: Rock Smash, Earthquake, Dive, Surf||Ability: Torrent||Nature: Bashful||
Lv. 38 Machoke ||Moves: Vital Throw, Revenge, Strength, Brick Break||Ability: Guts||Nature: Modest||
Lv. 39 Swellow ||Moves: Fly, Wing Attack, Endeavor, Aerial Ace||Ability: Guts||Nature: Careful||


~MK ;258;
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Well-Known Member
Spinda @ Leftovers
Timid/Jolly Nature
~ Calm Mind
~ Baton Pass
~ Hypnosis
~ Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Return

Castform @ Leftovers
Modest Nature
~ Rain Dance
~ Thunder
~ Ice Beam
~ Weather Ball

Swampert @ Leftovers
~ Surf
~ Earthquake
~ Ice Beam/Rest
~ Curse/Rest

Ice Beam+Curse, Curse+Rest, or Ice Beam+Rest.

Machamp @ Leftovers
Adamant Nature
~ Rock Slide
~ Cross Chop
~ Bulk Up
~ Earthquake/Filler

Earthquake is meh on Fighters, but it works ingame, I guess.

Swellow @ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
~ Return
~ Quick Attack/Fly
~ Steel Wing
~ Aerial Ace



Machamp @Choice Band
-Cross Chop
-Rock Slide
-Earthquake/Focus Punch

You need a sixth Pokémon.

Wait, by looking at your trainer card, I assume that you want a Raichu in the future?
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Machamp @Choice Band
-Cross Chop
-Rock Slide
-Earthquake/Focus Punch

You need a sixth Pokémon.

Wait, by looking at your trainer card, I assume that you want a Raichu in the future?

Eventually, yepp.

Thanks for rating, you guys.

[[And I didn't know there was a right or wrong format.

This is my first time on this particular thread.]]

~MK ;258;




Raichu @Leftovers
-Thunder Wave/Encore
-Focus Punch

Hope you have access to Emerald/FR/LG for the Substitute tutor


Well-Known Member
He might have trouble getting two CBs and Machamp can pull it off without it.


Well-Known Member
Should have checked. ;-( The name speaks for itself, though. ;-)

You should be fine with the tutors, then.