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Rate my Ruby Team


Well-Known Member
1- Metagross

- Explosion
- Protect
- EQ
- Meteor Mash

2- Alakazam

- Psychic
- Fire Punch
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

3- Milotic
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Toxic
- Rest/Recover

4- Sceptile (I want to use my Sceptile, but the moves might be changed)

- Protect
- Detect
- Toxic
- Leech Seed/Leaf Blade

5- Salamence

- Fire Blast (no Flamethrower here!!!)
- Dragon Claw
- ???
- ???

6- ??? (You ppl must help me choosing it XD)

My team is very weak against Ghost types, they just beat me... Give your opinions plx, if u really don't like any pokémon, gimme suggestions about what should I use.

Why does substitute works for Sceptile?
I have no Emerald version so Thunderpunch is impossible.
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1- Metagross

- Explosion
- Rock Slide/Agility
- EQ
- Meteor Mash

2- Alakazam

- Psychic
- Fire Punch
- Thunderpunch/Ice Punch/Calm Mind
- Recover

3- Milotic

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Toxic
- Rest/Recover

If you're using Rest, use Sleep Talk.
If you're using Toxic, use Recover.

4- Sceptile

- Leaf Blade
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Thunderpunch

Note: Protect and Detect work on the same scale. Use Protect once, and the next turn, BOTH Protect and Detect only have a 50% chance of working.

5- Salamence

- Fire Blast (no Flamethrower here!!!)
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch
- Hydro Pump

You have to breed for Hydro Pump btw.

6- Dusclops.
Beats Ghost Pokemon and gives you a Normal/Fighting immunity.

-Shadow Ball
-Seismic Toss/Focus Punch
-Pain Split/Rest


Wants name change
1- Metagross

- Explosion
- Agility
- EQ
- Meteor Mash

2- Alakazam

- Psychic
- Fire Punch/Calm Mind/Thunderpunch/Ice Punch
- Calm Mind/Thunderpunch/Ice Punch
- Recover/Calm Mind/Thunderpunch/Ice Punch

3- Milotic

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Toxic/Sleep Talk (if you're using Rest
- Rest/Recover

4- Sceptile (I want to use my Sceptile, but the moves might be changed)

- Thunderpunch/Dragon Claw
- Leaf Blade
- Substitute
- Leech Seed

5- Salamence

- Fire Blast (no Flamethrower here!!!)/Rock Slide
- Aerial Ace
- Dragon Dance/Rock Slide
- Earthquake

Use a Choice Band if you have no Dragon Dance.

6- Not sure, ask someone else (You ppl must help me choosing it XD)

My team is very weak against Ghost types, they just beat me... Give your opinions plx, if u really don't like any pokémon, gimme suggestions about what should I use.

If you hate Ghosts, you might want a Normal-type Choice Bander with Shadow Ball in the last slot. Snorlax would work best, but don't use Choice Band on it.


Good Eye Sniper
Use Snorlax because he carries Shadow Ball and he is immune to Ghost type attacks.
Shadow Ball
Body Slam

That is a pretty good one if you use it right



Oh, didn’t see the no Emerald part. Dragon Claw > Thunderpunch then.

You can still get all the other moves.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, I'll make some changes but please,
keep posting

LOL, so many ppl come in, look at the thread and don't help =D
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