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rate my sh▓tty dragon deck(ygo)

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Red-eyes Darkness Dragon
Armed Dragon Lv.7
Blue-eyes White Dragon
Armed Dragon Lv.5
Red-eyes B. Dragon
Paladin of White Dragon

Monsters x 14
Red-eyes B. Chick
Element Dragon
Lustre Dragon x 2
Masked Dragon x 3
Blackland Fire Dragon
Mirage DRagong x 2
Twin-headed Behemoth
Armed Dragon Lv.3
Dark Blade.
Warrior Dai Grepher

Spells x 13
Dragonitic Attack
Creature swap
Premature Burrial
Mystacal Space Typhoon
Bait Doll
Dragon Treasure
Mask of the Accursed
Swords of Reavilling Light
White Dragon Ritual
Heavy storm
Stamping Destruction x 3

Traps x 16
Spellbinding Circle
Magic Jammer x 2
Trap Jammer
Astral Barrier
Solemn Wishes
Dragond Rage x 2
Interdimensional Matter Transporter x 2
Trap Hole x 2
Call of the Haunted
The Dragons Bead
Raigeki Break

rate plz


<-Don't wake him up!
69 To The Rescue! said:

Red-eyes Darkness Dragon
Armed Dragon Lv.7
Blue-eyes White Dragon
Armed Dragon Lv.5
Red-eyes B. Dragon
Paladin of White Dragon

Monsters x 14
Red-eyes B. Chick
Element Dragon
Lustre Dragon x 2
Masked Dragon x 3
Blackland Fire Dragon
Mirage DRagong x 2
Twin-headed Behemoth
Armed Dragon Lv.3
Dark Blade.
Warrior Dai Grepher

Spells x 13
Dragonitic Attack
Creature swap
Premature Burrial
Mystacal Space Typhoon
Bait Doll
Dragon Treasure
Mask of the Accursed
Swords of Reavilling Light
White Dragon Ritual
Heavy storm
Stamping Destruction x 3

Traps x 16
Spellbinding Circle
Magic Jammer x 2
Trap Jammer
Astral Barrier
Solemn Wishes
Dragond Rage x 2
Interdimensional Matter Transporter x 2
Trap Hole x 2
Call of the Haunted
The Dragons Bead
Raigeki Break

rate plz
You have way too many tributes. Good tribute dragons IMO are Tyrant Dragon and Horus Lv.6. Try to keep your deck to no more than 3 tributes(including 1 7+ star monster)
Your dragon deck needs to have King Dragun; it's really great for Dragon Decks, and supporting cards for bringing it out include: Lord of D.,Divine Dragon Ragnarok,Dark Hex Sealed Fusion,Fusion Gate,Fusilier Dragon,Metamorphosis,Fusion Gate,Polymerization,and Dragon's Mirror.
Cards I recommend you to toss are:
All the Armed Dragons
Paladin of White Dragon
Red-Eyes B. Chick
Element Dragon
Blackland Fire Dragon
Dark Blade
Warrior Dei Grepher
Dragonic Attack
Dragon Treasure
Bait Doll
Mask of the Accursed
Spellbinding Circle
Magic Jammer(x1)
Trap Jammer
Astral Barrier
Solemn Wishes
Dragon Rage(x1)
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
Trap Hole(x2)
Raigeki Break

Cards I recommend adding:
Spear Dragon
Tyrant Dragon
Horus Lv.6 and 8
Sakuretsu Armor
Bottomless Traphole
Torrential Tribute
Cyber Jar


<-Don't wake him up!
69 To The Rescue! said:
What pack is Horus in again?
Soul of the Duelist
you should add a Lightning Vortex too (FET)
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