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rate my starter /partner combo please


Well-Known Member
could someone please rate my starter/partner combo and feel free to post yours too

machop /chicorita
(i just restarted my game and i want to know if you guys think its i cool and strong combo)


Noah's Scapegoat
My favorite combo is Treecko and Charmander.

I mean...Treecko has absorb! Absorb is like an easy button. It does nice damage AND heals you.


ello there!
machop doesnt suck. hes awesome... i fear him in wish cave..or is it purity forest? anyways, ur team is good. machop and chiko are cool.

happy taco

I own your mommy!
I would prefer a water/fire combo i mean they are awesome.

I was Charmander/Squitrle.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
No offense, but Machop sucks IMO. Chickoria's awesome!!!

Really now? Then how did my Machop kick *** from Zapdos to RayQuaza? Torchic fainted more then Machop and that wasn't when they were beating the legendaries.. Plus not to mention he mostly did the work of kicking Kyogre to Ho-oh butts as well (Only a few execptions with thre batrtle between Swampert VS Entei etc...)


<--I like him
I've never used machop....or chikorita.. whoever my starter is i tend to pick the type that i beat {IE I get charmander so bulbasaur is my partner} so it can counter my weaknesses

King Latios

<Rock...My Favourite
Machop and Chickorita...they would get killed by flying and also pyschic would thrash machop so twice the pain for machop. i would say...Mudkip as you and your partner as Charmander/Cyndaquil/Torchic any one of those fire pokemon. Before you v rayquaza make sure u have the move ice beam learnt to mudkip, so you will able to thrash him easy.


I'd prefer Elec/Fire or Elec/Grass.

I was Pikachu and Charmander. Both evolve into my two favorite Pokemon. I had no problems until Groudon, lol. BUT! It was only a slight problem and was fixed within twenty minutes. I was unprepared. >.>;;


That THAT!
Really now? Then how did my Machop kick *** from Zapdos to RayQuaza? Torchic fainted more then Machop and that wasn't when they were beating the legendaries.. Plus not to mention he mostly did the work of kicking Kyogre to Ho-oh butts as well (Only a few execptions with thre batrtle between Swampert VS Entei etc...)
Uh...I said IMO as in IN MY OPINION. It doesn't matter Machop is okay.


Ultimate Marshtomp
It's a good team, but as someone said before, there's flying that knocks both of them out. I got Mudkip and Cyndaquil, and as far as I know, there arn't any types that knock them both down.
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