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Rate my Swamplilly


Dark Flareon

Hi, can you please rate my swamplilly for me.​

;260; Swampliily - Shiny
Lv.100 female - Adament

Rock slide
Focus punch

sorry no curse as 1 got it from Prof. Birch :(

Atomic Boo

Oddium Wanderus ftw
Im gobsmacked you got a shiny Mudkip from prof Birch with ADEMANT nature!
Im still constantly resseting a sapphire in hope of getting one regardless of nature.
Was it pure luck or did you try to get it?
Oh, Brilliant moveset for one that isn't bred too!
Dark Flareon said:
Hi, can you please rate my swamplilly for me.​

;260; Swampliily - Shiny
Lv.100 female - Adament

Rock slide
Focus punch

sorry no curse as 1 got it from Prof. Birch :(

wow it's a shiney! big ****ing wup. curse>fp plz. and 2 the other n00bs that posted before methat set is not 10/10 its more like, not even worth mentioning it fails so much.


It's very good seeing as you can't get curse, and I can't believe you wre lucky enough to get an adamant shiney!

Off topic: Thank you PUrEHearT for adding me to the bad rater's list
Floored! said:
It's very good seeing as you can't get curse, and I can't believe you wre lucky enough to get an adamant shiney!

Off topic: Thank you PUrEHearT for adding me to the bad rater's list

yes he can get curse.

WOW it's a shiney!!!! in pokemon, it's about winning. shineys don't mean nothing. i had a shiney parasect and i ditched it for a better move set. curse plz


Raiden Maximus
:eek: Either you are lucky or you are lying.
Too bad it only had torrent, the best nature of your swampert should be lonely and replace focus punch with hydro pump (I heard that surf is not enough) to make torrent more useful.


Too bad it only had torrent, the best nature of your swampert should be lonely and replace focus punch with hydro pump (I heard that surf is not enough) to make torrent more useful.

All Swampys have torrent -.-
Swampert cannot learn hydropump NOT NOW THAT IT HAS EVOLVED
Surf is better anyway
Who cares if your Swampert is shiny? The best nature for Swampert is Brave.

Surf/Rest, Ice Beam, Earthquake, and Curse please.


c952 said:
The best nature for Swampert is Brave.
It took long enough for that to be said.
c952 said:
Surf/Rest, Ice Beam, Earthquake, and Curse please.
There we go again. Kudos to chaos for a double whammy. Also, this is the RMT section. It's not our fault if you don't want to breed. We're here to improve your team.

PKMN Legend Anthony

Water Gym Leader.
69 To The Rescue! said:
wow it's a shiney! big ****ing wup. curse>fp plz. and 2 the other n00bs that posted before methat set is not 10/10 its more like, not even worth mentioning it fails so much.

CALM DOWN!! CHRIST! for her not breeding a mudkip thtas 1 of the best movesets!? and IMO its more fun battling with rare/shinny pokemon than a ordairy pokemon!!

and REMEMBER To The Rescue its only a ****in game!
Drak Umbreon said:
CALM DOWN!! CHRIST! for her not breeding a mudkip thtas 1 of the best movesets!? and IMO its more fun battling with rare/shinny pokemon than a ordairy pokemon!!

and REMEMBER To The Rescue its only a ****in game!
i no that a.ssf.uck. and acully it's better to battle when u acculy have good ms's.

S:C said:
There we go again. Kudos to chaos for a double whammy. Also, this is the RMT section. It's not our fault if you don't want to breed. We're here to improve your team.

Chaos952. said:
Who cares if your Swampert is shiny? The best nature for Swampert is Brave.

Surf/Rest, Ice Beam, Earthquake, and Curse please.

these 2 no what they're talking about.

EDIT: my name is not "to the rescue!" its 69 to the rescue!, 69ttr!, or just plain 69, dumb****


Hyper Coordinator
he wont breed to get a new one with curse.... if i was him i would just use that swampy seeing how stat boost moves dont help THAT much in-game

you can just OHKO most pokemon without boosts
but if you want the better swampy go with the set above with brave and hydro pump
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DU said:
for her not breeding a mudkip thtas 1 of the best movesets!?
You've got to be kidding me. SubPunch with Earthquake on Swampert is oh so great of a laugh. You can't really mean that since both moves have the same effect. Here my suggestion is again, a standard set already provided by chaos.

Swampert @ Leftovers
Nature: Brave
Ice Beam

PKMN Legend Anthony

Water Gym Leader.
4 the last time she doslnt want 2 change her Swampert as it is shinny!? what part of that dont you understand?she haslnt said this is for compatative battling its for FUN!! FUN do you people now what that is?? its not all about Link battles and Net battles? and Ok then 69 To the Rescue for a ingame Swampert what Moves would you use?

S:C said:
Also, this is the RMT section. It's not our fault if you don't want to breed. We're here to improve your team.
IMPROVE IT yes but she wants you to give your opinoon on her swamplilly on how to improve her swamplilly not help on making a new swampert as she obviously knows that curse is the best thing!?

Dark Flareon said:
sorry no curse as 1 got it from Prof. Birch :(
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Dark Flareon

sorry for all the arguement but i wnna get my SHINNY swampolilly as strong as possiable. I dont want to make a new one a just want to no the best set for a non-hatched Swampert? again i am sory for all the arguements P.S i am a girl not a boy;)