Hows my team, any hints. I have just reached the pokemon league. I AM NOT REBREEDING
Walrein @ Modest lv 53
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Ice Ball
- Body Slam
Gardevoir @ Modest lv 36 IN TRAINING
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Confusion
*Hidden Power: Steel
Swellow @ Adamant lv 44
- Steel Wing
- Aerial Ace
- Fly
- Endeavor
Hariyama @ Adamant lv 46
- Strength
- Vital Throw
- Rock Tomb
- EMPTY (Deleted Rock Smash)
Sceptile @ Modest lv 45
- Pursuit
- Mega Drain
- Leaf Blade
- EMPTY (Deleted Cut)
Koffing @ Relaxed lv 32 IN TRAINING
- Tackle
- Smokescreen
- Sludge
- Selfdestruct
need a proper moveset for a nice weezing
Walrein @ Modest lv 53
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Ice Ball
- Body Slam
Gardevoir @ Modest lv 36 IN TRAINING
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Confusion
*Hidden Power: Steel
Swellow @ Adamant lv 44
- Steel Wing
- Aerial Ace
- Fly
- Endeavor
Hariyama @ Adamant lv 46
- Strength
- Vital Throw
- Rock Tomb
- EMPTY (Deleted Rock Smash)
Sceptile @ Modest lv 45
- Pursuit
- Mega Drain
- Leaf Blade
- EMPTY (Deleted Cut)
Koffing @ Relaxed lv 32 IN TRAINING
- Tackle
- Smokescreen
- Sludge
- Selfdestruct
need a proper moveset for a nice weezing
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