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Rate my team please!

Cipher Admin Seb

Beginning Trainer
Alakazam L: 75 @ Macho Brace (EV Training it) - Calm Nature (+SPAtk, -SPDef)
Calm Mind
Psybeam (a.k.a. filter)

Well Psybeam needs to be replaced by something good. Now, I have intentions to transfer my Alakazam to D/P, so tell me if I should replace it now by something or if there is a good new attack in D/P that I should wait for (remember: Fire Punch becomes physical)

Tyranitar L: 66 @ Leftovers - Bashful Nature (Neutral)
Dragon Dance
Rock Slide

This set actually works. I managed to OHKO all of my rival's Pokémon at the Pokémon League with max boosted stats Dragon Dance. Can't wait for D/P to come out for Crunch to destroy these damn Ghosts.

Snorlax L: 43 @ Leftovers or Shell Bell - Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SPAtk)
Shadow Ball

Cruselax. Shell Bell is to power up Return when I'm not battling. Once again, I'd like to know something to replace Shadow Ball. And again, if I must wait for D/P, just tell me.

Venusaur L: 60 @ (No item) - Gentle Nature (+SPDef, -Def)
Body Slam
Frenzy Plant
Leech Seed

Well I don't really use that one... I'm more trying to breed a new one since I kinda screwed it up. If I can still change it, please help me.

Only 4 Pokémon. I know, but all the others I have don't really have a proper nature and I'm breeding them to get them better. Thanks in advance for your help.


Well-Known Member
Alakazam L: 75 @ Leftovers - [When done EV training]
Calm Mind
Fire Punch

I'd prefer fire punch.

Tyranitar's great.

Venusaur L: 60 @ Leftovers
Sleep Powder

Leech Seed


Alakazam L: 75 @Lum Berry - Calm Nature (+SPAtk, -SPDef)
Calm Mind
Fire Punch
Recover/Ice Punch/Thunderpunch

Umm..what? Calm Nature is +SDef, -Atk. =\
Modest/Timid is what you want.

Tyranitar L: 66 @ Leftovers - Bashful Nature (Neutral)
Dragon Dance
Rock Slide

Meh, standard.

Snorlax L: 43 @ Leftovers - Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SPAtk)

Careful > Adamant.
Earthquake > Shadow Ball. Tyranitar takes care of Gengar.

Venusaur L: 60 @ Leftovers - Gentle Nature (+SPDef, -Def)
Sludge Bomb
Sleep Powder

Leech Seed

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Alakazam@Lum Berry
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Fire Punch
- Recover

Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Taunt / Sub / T-Wave

I personally like Sub the best. Ice Fang in D/P helps a lot actually, since all things that resist both Rock Slide and Earthquake are weak against Ice, like Breloom, Flygon and Claydol.

Sassy Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed
- Sludge Bomb
- Magical Leaf

Since Sludge Bomb becomes a special move in D/P, go for Calm if you're trading Venusaur over.