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rate my team thread

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
this is the rate my MD team thread
I say my team then the next person gives it a rating out of 10 and a comment
then they post there team and so on and so on.
heres my team
Swampert lv.65
Blaziken lv.59
lapras lv.59


< That's me! Hello!
this is the rate my MD team thread
I say my team then the next person gives it a rating out of 10 and a comment
then they post there team and so on and so on.
heres my team
Swampert lv.65
Blaziken lv.59
lapras lv.59

Impressive levels and types though slightly over board on water types IMO. 9/10

My team is:

Typhlosion Lv72
Articuno Lv73

And any one I recruit on the way to my destination. I have never had a need for more.

Edit: Golizard, you forgot to rate my team.
Last edited:


< That's me! Hello!
9/10...Charzard would be better

Current team:

Ivysaur Lv. 75
Marshtomp Lv. 75
Mew Lv.55

The one in my sig is the one I'm trying to achive...but so far, the above will do

Quite an impressive team I must say. 9.9 out of 10 since Mew could be closer to the levels of Ivysaur and Marshtomp.

Since the last time I posted my team the poster below my post forgot to rate my team. Here it is again.

Typhlosion Lv72
Articuno Lv73


>.< I eat children..
9.2...interesting type variation. (well that was for Meganium EX but then Charziken posted.) For Charziken...9.4 Nice levels and type variation.

My team:
Typhlosion lvl 39
Blastoise lvl 39 (they need a lot of work...)
And occasionally use Articuno lvl 56


Psychic Trainer
9/10 and cool! u have a mew. im to lazy to try and get him. :(

well, im kinda training new members.

current team:
zapdos 100
marowak 100
venusaur 100

and... im training

deoxys 57
snorlax 61

i used alot of joy seeds on snorlax and deoxys. :)
Nice! You have 3 100 lvd dudes!

Typhlosion lv 61

Sceptile lv 51

Blastoise lv 41
not bad fer just startin off. i give it 9.3 out of 10

my team is team Bone-Rush

my pokemon are

Marowak(Shanks)Lv 85

bone club



and this slot is a varity slot depending on the dungon i go in but it is usalay rock-smash i am 2000 rescue points from lucario and i dont want to brag but i managed to get every legendary on first try includes:deoxys all the birds ho-oh lugia mewtwo kyogre latias latios working on dogs regis and mew.

and i do rescues so pm me


perpetually tired
Swampert Level 83

Ho-oh Level 59

Yep, only two members. Go ahead laugh, I still am wondering what else to put there...


< That's me! Hello!
Swampert Level 83

Ho-oh Level 59

Yep, only two members. Go ahead laugh, I still am wondering what else to put there...

You're not the only one to have only two members. *gestures to second post made by me.*

Any ways, 9/10 from me. Ho-oh and Swampert cover each other's weaknesses making your team difficult to beat. only problem is that you might want to Level Ho-oh a bit more...
My Team Y3K Bug (Platinum Rank, 4135 Rescue Points):
Item:power Band (I haven't got a Stamina Band yet)
Level 29
Helping Hand
Sand Attack
Quick Attack
Level 30
Razor Leaf
Bullet seed
Body Slam
Level 25
Quick Attack
Once I get Diamond Rank, I'll go face Groudon.


< That's me! Hello!
My Team Y3K Bug (Platinum Rank, 4135 Rescue Points):
Item:power Band (I haven't got a Stamina Band yet)
Level 29
Helping Hand
Sand Attack
Quick Attack
Level 30
Razor Leaf
Bullet seed
Body Slam
Level 25
Quick Attack
Once I get Diamond Rank, I'll go face Groudon.

Nice moves and attacks. 8/10. BTW You can trash Groudon all ready as long as Chikorita can Razor leaf the legendary to death.
Nice moves and attacks. 8/10. BTW You can trash Groudon all ready as long as Chikorita can Razor leaf the legendary to death.

Thanks! And I would thrash the legendary already except for well, I'm me. I have to make sure beyond the shade of a doubt that I'll win. I was Platinum Rank before GEOMETERY(Eevee) and JADE(Chikorita) left as fugitives.

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
ok I updated my team
Swampert lv.80
Blaziken lv.77
zapdos lv.84
not bad.... 9/10.

My team changes with the dungeon, but usually i'll take my ho-oh or articuno for the lead, if i'm not recruiting a size 4 legend, then i'll take either my wartortle or meganium.
no, i do not have thoughts on evolveing wartortle! i didn't even want to evolve squirtle... but i forgot to bring meganium instead :(


legendary trainer
Its ok!

I give your team 7of10.
My team is articuno lvl 100
feraligator lvl 93
deoxys lvl 62.
will anyone rate my team?


I won't give up!
Nice , 9/10. 2 legendaries + pretty high leveled.

My main team :
Pikachu lv40
- Thundershock + Thunderwave
- Attract
- Thunderbolt

Quilava lv43
- Leer + Tackle
- Ember
- Flamewheel