once in a blue Mew
ok i think i have a really good team here but i'm not sure
not counting HP
mewtwo moves
sychic, fire blast, blizzard, thunder.Best stat: special attack at 365
blissey moves:water pulse, brick break, shadow ball, earthquake.Best stat: special defence at 324
blaziken moves:sky uppercut, flamethrower, focus punch, overheat.Best stat: attack at 320
groudon moves:eruption, solarbeam, thunder, fissure.Best stat: defence at 368
kyogre moves:surf, thunder, water spout, sheer cold.Best stat: special defence at 332
articuno moves:ice beam, sheer cold, blizzard, mind reader,Best stat: special defence at 280
so i hope you all can give me good ratings and i hope to rate your teams too!
not counting HP
mewtwo moves
blissey moves:water pulse, brick break, shadow ball, earthquake.Best stat: special defence at 324
blaziken moves:sky uppercut, flamethrower, focus punch, overheat.Best stat: attack at 320
groudon moves:eruption, solarbeam, thunder, fissure.Best stat: defence at 368
kyogre moves:surf, thunder, water spout, sheer cold.Best stat: special defence at 332
articuno moves:ice beam, sheer cold, blizzard, mind reader,Best stat: special defence at 280
so i hope you all can give me good ratings and i hope to rate your teams too!