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rate my team

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once in a blue Mew

ok i think i have a really good team here but i'm not sure

not counting HP

mewtwo moves:psychic, fire blast, blizzard, thunder.Best stat: special attack at 365

blissey moves:water pulse, brick break, shadow ball, earthquake.Best stat: special defence at 324

blaziken moves:sky uppercut, flamethrower, focus punch, overheat.Best stat: attack at 320

groudon moves:eruption, solarbeam, thunder, fissure.Best stat: defence at 368

kyogre moves:surf, thunder, water spout, sheer cold.Best stat: special defence at 332

articuno moves:ice beam, sheer cold, blizzard, mind reader,Best stat: special defence at 280

so i hope you all can give me good ratings and i hope to rate your teams too!
There is an in-game-team rate forum! Nuff said

Oh damn. I stopped you double posting!
chill, mudkip fantastic. anyway, as long as you dont mind using ubers, its a kick butt team!
Sorry. I just am very annoyed.

On topic: Rubbish. Let me point out the faults
Blaziken: Focus Punch AND Sky Uppercut. You only need one. Get something like Thunderpunch. And only have 1 fire move.
Blissey is ok but get Siesmic Toss
Mewtwo: Pretty inaccurate.
Groudon: Thunder doesn't work well with Sunny Day. And Fissure is VERY inaccurate. Get Earthquake
Kyogre: Only needs 1 water move and Sheer Cold is very bad.
Articuno: 3 Ice Moves o_O Keep Ice Beam. Get rid of all other attacks and come back later.

once in a blue Mew

the reason i have sheer cold on articuno is b cuz i have mindreader also so it has the same accuracy as faint attack, it cannot miss as for the rest of them i think that those are actually some good suggestions ~*mudkip Fantastic*~ and what do you mean by come back later? and in a double battle i send out groudon then kyogre so drizzle comes in 2 effect so thunder has 100 accuracy so then mewtwo i think you are right i should give it the ice beam, flamethrower, and thunder bolt so thank you! and do ya'll have any teams you'd like to have me rate?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
1. Please post in the correct forum, there IS a RMT forum a few ones below this.

2. If you post it there, it must be in the correct format (this is explained in the Rules sticky in that section). You need to have levels, Natures, information like that.

3. READ THE RULES. They are located here:


Double posting is not allowed.

4. If you have questions about the forum (like the one you asked above) please do not post it here, because it has nothing to do with your thread OR with the section you're posting in. There is a Newbie/Forum help section here:


That is all.

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