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Rate My Team


Well-Known Member
(Usually Leader)

Lv. 100
Item- X-Ray Specs

-Quick Attack+1(it goes through my team member and hits opponent)
-Calm Mind(i want to change this but i don't know what to change it to)


Lv. 54
IQ- 7*
Item- X-Ray Specs

-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
-Thunderbolt(where is Thunder?)
-Calm Mind(i want to change this but i don't know what to change it to)

(Swift Swim and Rain Dish is amazing)

Lv. 47 (Once its Lv. 49 and learns Hydro Pump i'll evolve it)
IQ- MAX (Every gummi i gave it, it liked)
Item- X-Ray Specs

-Giga Drain
-Bullet Seed
-Ice Beam

I give all my pokemon X-Ray Specs because i usually like to switch leaders. What do you think?


want me to make u a wondermail so u can get a ludicolo
and thunder?

here u go

Client: Umbreon
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Reward: Poke + Thunder
??5? 7?S? 46??
(...)(...)?5 F476 +???

Client: Umbreon
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Reward: Poke + Water Stone
??6? 7?+? 46??
P(...)?5 F466 2???

i hope u like it!!!
(tiny woods so its easy)


Yukimenoko Rox!!
I don't do any of this team rate crap, but you really don't need X-Ray Specs on all your pokemon.

Just put it on the team leader, and give the other two special bands, or something like that.


< That's me! Hello!
(Usually Leader)

Lv. 100
Item- X-Ray Specs

-Quick Attack+1(it goes through my team member and hits opponent)
-Calm Mind(i want to change this but i don't know what to change it to)

Very well balanced. This legend could take on multiple foes and come out on top. Impressive.


Lv. 54
IQ- 7*
Item- X-Ray Specs

-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
-Thunderbolt(where is Thunder?)
-Calm Mind(i want to change this but i don't know what to change it to)

Why change Calm Mind? In can give you the boost you need to survive in a pinch. Other than that, this is also well rounded.

(Swift Swim and Rain Dish is amazing)

Lv. 47 (Once its Lv. 49 and learns Hydro Pump i'll evolve it)
IQ- MAX (Every gummi i gave it, it liked)
Item- X-Ray Specs

-Giga Drain
-Bullet Seed
-Ice Beam

This set is (personally) as good as it gets. I don't see a need to put Hydro Pump on this set. Personal preference though.

I give all my pokemon X-Ray Specs because i usually like to switch leaders. What do you think?

Comments/suggestions in bold.

Caterpie Master

Oh My! Noodlesoup!
If you like, you could change raikou's Calm Mind into Shock wave.
Only if you like Long Range attacks.
I'm not a good team rater, but that's my advice.