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Rate my team

Sceptile serouis
LEaf BLade

Empelt docile
Hydro pump
Ice beam
Steel wing

Hairyama male naughty
Arm thrust
vital throw

Scizor male jolly
who eles should I have what moves


Empelt doesn't exist in ADV.

LEaf BLade
Leech Seed

Hey, guess what it can do against Flying types? NOTHING!

Hairyama male naughty
Cross Chop
Rock Slide
Fake Out/Sleep Talk

Scizor male jolly
Swords Dance
Silver Wind
Baton Pass
I like this Scizor set:

Scizor (Jolly Nature) @Leftovers/Salac Berry
EVs: 252 Speed... some Attack... some Hp... ^_^; lol
-Silver Wing
-Steel Wing
-Swords Dance

Non-BatonPassing. It was a mistake, actually. For some reason, I thought that Scyther learned Baton Pass as a level-up move. :rolleyes: What was I's thinkin'? Anyways, this set takes status problems/stat deductions. :D Just another idea in conjunction with aragornbird.

The main problem with your Sceptile MS is that you taught it 3 damaging Grass attacks. Leaf Blade, Solar Beam, and Giga Drain are all effective/not effective torwards the same types, so you only need ONE of those attacks. Leaf Blade is the best choice because it has the most PP, no charging required, and it's powerful as well.



The problem with Scizor sweeping by itself is that its physical movepool sucks and so many things resist it’s Steel and Bug attacks (namely Fire, Steel, Gyarados, Zapdos, etc.)

A Scizor that doesn’t BP should preferably have Hidden Power Rock (not recommended in game) or Reversal (recommended).

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Reversaling is probably the best Scizor can do in Advance.

Scizor@Liechi Berry
Adamant Nature
- Agility
- Endure
- Reversal
- HP [Ghost] / Steel Wing / Swords Dance