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Rate my team

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Simply rate my Battle frontier pokemon and give me any suggestions. All are Lv. 100.

Heracross: Brick Break, Earthquake, Rockslide, Megahorn
Blaziken: Overheat, flamethrower, Sky uppercut, Aereal Ace
Swampert: Earthquake, Surf, Ice Beam, Rockslide
Latias: Psychic, Dragon Claw, Substitute, Recover
Raikou: Toxic, Thunder Bolt, Crunch, Hidden power(fighting)

Give me your suggestions.


How is this the wrong place? I'm talking about my Emerald team.


Ok. How do I get to the mods?


christian 4ever
How is this the wrong place? I'm talking about my Emerald team.

im game team rate...but that was a good try..you have to read the titles care fully..hope i helped
Just Change the title to move this topic please or somthing like that


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Considering people spammed up this thread and didn't help you at all, I'm going to ask that you repost this in the RMT section. Sorry about that. :(

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