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Rate My Yu-Gi-Oh Deck.

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I have Two Different Decks, A Training Deck, And My Dueling Deck. I've Put Together My Duel Deck On A Heaven, Hell And Earth Theme(Light, Dark And Earth).

Dueling Deck:


Legendary Black Belt x1
Fissure x1
Grave Lure x1
Spell-Stopping Statue x1
Change Of Heart x1
Spellbinding Circle x1
Gift Of The Mystical Elf x1
Impenetrable Formation x1
Kaminote Blow x1
Lone Wolf x1
Hero Signal x1
Double Attack x2
Shifting Shadows x3
Gift of The Martyr x2
Level Conversion Lab x2
Malevolent Nuzzler x2



Chaos Emporer Dragon - Envoy of The End x2
Medusa Worm x2
King Of The Skull Servants x2
Monk Fighter x2
White Ninja x2
Elemental Hero Sparkman x1
Guardian Statue x1
Megarock Dragon x1
Lost Guardian x1
White Magical hat x1
Mine Golem x1
Moai Interceptor Cannons x1
Maha Vailo x1
Shadowslayer x1
Witch of The Black Forest x1
Mystic Tomato x1
Neo The Magic Swordsman x1

Monsters: 21

Rate Out Of 10 xD
Btw. Don't Worry About Strategies, I Have My Own >_>


Well-Known Member
This is located in the wrong place, it should be in the rate my deck section. Anyways there are too many banned cards in this deck, you also have too many cards that don't belong in this deck such as Sparkman and Hero Signal.
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