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rate salamance


it knows:
hyper beam
iron tail
dragon claw

should i teach it protect

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
no, don't teach it Protect.

Salamence's best moveset is
Nature: Adamant
-Dragon Dance
-Aerial Ace
-Rock Slide

or you can go for
Salamence @ Choice Band
-Aerial Ace
-Rock Slide
-Fire Blast/Double Edge

Hyper Beam just shouldnt be used, and Earthquake and Rock Slide cover its Rock and Ice weaknesses better than Iron Tail does (accuracy).

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Elemence works well with Protect actually.

Modest / Timid Nature
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Claw
- Hydro Pump
- Protect / Crunch

Crunch is an option, but I don't see anything that you can't take down with the other three moves. The physical Salamence is much better though, especially CBmence.


well its that hyper beam is the strongest attack and i got walrien to cover the ice weakness flamthrower fire blast or earthquake would be good but my blazinken knows blaze kick overheat and earthquake then my crobat knows aireal ace

is there a tm for hydro pump and crunch


Ahem. Here is the equation that has unfortunately had to be reiterated many times over:

Return (102) + Return (102) = 204 total damage over two turns.
Hyper Beam (150) + recharge turn (0) = 150 total damage over two turns.

Also, you can't switch out during the recharge turn, allowing for the opponent to either make a switch of their own or set up on you.

It doesn't really matter if your team has Mence's weaknesses covered, since a little redundancy concerning move types never hurt anyone. Salamence is best with those moves, so use them. Oh, and Hydro Pump and Crunch aren't TM's. Salamence learns the former through breeding and the latter through level up.