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Rate the attack above

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Just do what the title says. (give the attack that the user above says eg.
Guy1: Bite
Guy 2: I hate bite because it's weak 2/10
Hyper bream
Guy 3: I like that attack beacuse it's strong even if it dose take a turn to recharge 8/10

ok i'll start Hydro Pump


Where is the rum?...
10/10 coz most of the time the foe wont attack

blast burn


<Him & Mudkip PWN U!
10/10 nice and strong...exelent...

tri attack


Noah's Scapegoat
6/10. It's a neat move, but you can only use it once ever unless the move fails.


Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
yeah true and u need to say and attack before the next guy/girl can rate..
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