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Rate The Signature Above You

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dancing queen

I love it. @@
8/10 I think I rated this before, I can't remember >:
7.5/10 as before.

Don't worry, the new one is still gonna be Kirby, i've just had my fill of icon sigs for now.
7/10 as before
Yeah, you did

i like the alignment and everything. it's really creative what you did, with the green, orange, and red lines and everything. but it's weird how you go from someone narrating it then to 1st person.

other than that, very nice.
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no promises
i like the alignment and everything. it's really creative what you did, with the green, orange, and red lines and everything. but it's weird how you go from someone narrating it then to 1st person.

other than that, very nice.

Thanks i stole it from one of Riiiiiz's lj sigs lol and the top text is just a filler while i think of someone new in first person.

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