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(btw darkgamer, a necromancer is a person who can raise the dead XD)

Kazuki Mirai

Well-Known Member
I feel like it but I don't see you as a necromancer.
*Tries to get the image of Sakara summoning an army of zombie Stevens out of the mind*
10/10 for being a demonic angel (Insert sig demon laugh here)



demonic angels are cool :p

i don't see myself as a necromancer either, but the word sounds cool! LOL! XD
10/10 for being a necromancer! (Insert sig demon laugh here) How many times have I done that today?

Kazuki Mirai

Well-Known Member
^9/10 Funny!
Sakara said:

demonic angels are cool :p

i don't see myself as a necromancer either, but the word sounds cool! LOL! XD
Thanks, that's because I have a demon form who is a demonic angel! ^_^ Watch!
*Hair turns white and became long to the the neck, sprouts a left black angel wing, and eyes turn silver blue*
The name's Chaos.
*Transforms back to normal*

Kazuki Mirai

Well-Known Member
LilyPichu said:
^10/10 like before. o_O;

Kai, lol. XD
^10/10 True.
What can you say? Chaos is not use for showing off. Watch.
*Transforms into Chaos*
Chaos: And I'm good with fighting. *Unsheaths Muramasa* Watch. Yah!! *Lunges at darkgamer*
Still 10/10 for being a demon angel (Insert sig demon laugh here) the night air must be getting to me (Continues sig demon laugh)


Unleash your Phantom
8/10, pretty.

Incase you didn't know, mine goes with my avatar. That might help you understand.



because it involves fire ^_________^

*likes to burn candles* ^_^
10/10 because it involes death (Insert sig demon laugh here)

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
10/10 just cuz of the Burn baby burn


Unleash your Phantom
um...you didn't change it, 6 anyway.

I tried to involve them both, it took a while to translate what lala said.
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