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Rate this Dusclops's Moveset.


Dusclops: Lvl 41
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Double Team
Shadow Punch

Toxic to bring the plan to action, Double Team to cause less hit but more PP lost due to its ability and HP lost because of Toxic, Protect to risk less damage and Cause more to the opponent, and shadow punch to unfalingly attack the foe. Yes, My friends scream with frustration when I use this little number. Rate and tell me how to improve Dusclops.


Your friends must not be very smart, to get beaten by that thing. First, Toxic sucks, to put it simply. Double Team is a stupid hax evasion move. And Dusclops doesn't have nearly enough Attack to pull off a decent Shadow Punch. Here's the best Dusclops moveset (I think it's the standard as well):

Impish Nature
Trait: Pressure
-Confuse Ray
-Seismic Toss
-Pain Split


Your friends must not be very smart, to get beaten by that thing. First, Toxic sucks, to put it simply. Double Team is a stupid hax evasion move. And Dusclops doesn't have nearly enough Attack to pull off a decent Shadow Punch. Here's the best Dusclops moveset (I think it's the standard as well):

Impish Nature
Trait: Pressure
-Confuse Ray
-Seismic Toss
-Pain Split

Oh. Okay, I'll see what I can do.



Shadow Ball over Confuse Ray is on the standard. Dusclops can OKO Alakazam without any Attack EVs.