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Rate Warrior Deck

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Beginning Trainer

Mataza the zapper
cyber jar
Chaos sorcerer
spear dragon
Command knight x2
Blade knight x2
ninja granmaster sasuke
D.D warrior lady
magician of faith
berserk gorilla
witch of the black forest
exiled force
Marauding captain
spirit reaper
penguin soldier
D.D surviver
Makyura the destructor

change of heart
creature swap
pot of greed
monster reborn
mystik wok
heavy storm
harpies feather duster
tribute to the doomed
dark hole

trap pf board eraser
draining shield
magic cylinder
torrential tribute
imperial order
negate attack
call of the haunted
sakaretsu armor x2
curse of anubis
ring of destruction
nighmare wheel

this deck is in traditional format
so how do you think of it
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