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With the addition of Pokemon physically hitting each other, do you think this will affect the rating?


look a portkey!
not majorly maybe up it to E10


Well-Known Member
Even if it does get a different rating, which I doubt it will, they'll probably make it less "harsh" in the English version. =/ However, I don't think the rating will be a problem.


Borderline Troll
He means the ESRB ratings, not the game and/or review score.

I think as long as they aren't too harsh or realistic, it won't change much.

Oh, sorry. Pokemon games will always have the same amount of violent themes old games had, but they've rated SSBM T so don't expect anything for now...

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
E10+ due to the graphical interaction with the pokemon's attacks and how the hurt and faint other pokemon.

Bottom Line: Little kids will cry and get upset over the pokemon getting hurt so graphicaly.


I would have to say E. Like Kojiro said,there isn't any blood or gore or anything, so it'll probably get an E rating.