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Rayquaza777's Sprite Thread


Cool story.
Welcome to my sprite thread I will add more pretty frequently, but this is all I have for now.
It's a picture of me for my trainer card. Which I'm working on now. Please tell me what you think.

P.S. Could someone give me the color for the white be gone?
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Mery Christmas!
Good, but you need to work on the outline and shading, try to put a little less contrast inbetween.


Cool story.
Here are some Pokemon Pinball R/S Shiny Recolors I did, and I plan on making some more soon.
And please rate my work and tell what I can do to improve them, instead of just looking.
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Gen. IV Map Expert
I don't know, but I get the feeling that there are missing outlines for the pinball sprites. For the White-B-Gone, you'll have to set a transparency using a program such as IrfanView. Or, I'll provide a green color like the default skin, but the other skin users will see the green.

I put the black to show where it is. Yes, that is an image.
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