Garchomp@ Choice Scarf
(+Atk, -Satk)
-Fire Fang/ Crunch
-Stone Edge
Not sure whether to lead with him or Heracross, I'll probably just go w/ Hera to kill weavile.
Manaphy@ Leftovers
252Satk/ 252Spd/ 6Hp
-Ice Beam
-Tail Glow
-Grass Knot
Standard sweeper, any special sweeper that can K.O. Blissey must be good right?
Starmie@ Leftovers
(+Def, -Atk)
-Rest/ Recover
-Ice Beam
Not sure bout Ev's I want a bulky one though.
Gliscor@ Leftovers
(+Def, -Satk)
252hp/ 252def/ 6spd
-Aerial Ace
-Stealth Rock
He's a good wall, was thinking about Skarmory here but then I wouldn't have any reliable Hera counter. Although Garchomp could revenge kill.
Heracross@ Choice Scarf
(+Atk, -Satk)
252Atk/ 252Spd/ 6Hp
-Night Slash
-Stone Edge
-Close Combat
More Scarfiness.
Blissey@ Leftovers
(+Def, -Atk)
-Seismic Toss
-Ice Beam
Wow, I just thought of the most original idea ever! To use a Blissey!
(+Atk, -Satk)
-Fire Fang/ Crunch
-Stone Edge
Not sure whether to lead with him or Heracross, I'll probably just go w/ Hera to kill weavile.
Manaphy@ Leftovers
252Satk/ 252Spd/ 6Hp
-Ice Beam
-Tail Glow
-Grass Knot
Standard sweeper, any special sweeper that can K.O. Blissey must be good right?
Starmie@ Leftovers
(+Def, -Atk)
-Rest/ Recover
-Ice Beam
Not sure bout Ev's I want a bulky one though.
Gliscor@ Leftovers
(+Def, -Satk)
252hp/ 252def/ 6spd
-Aerial Ace
-Stealth Rock
He's a good wall, was thinking about Skarmory here but then I wouldn't have any reliable Hera counter. Although Garchomp could revenge kill.
Heracross@ Choice Scarf
(+Atk, -Satk)
252Atk/ 252Spd/ 6Hp
-Night Slash
-Stone Edge
-Close Combat
More Scarfiness.
Blissey@ Leftovers
(+Def, -Atk)
-Seismic Toss
-Ice Beam
Wow, I just thought of the most original idea ever! To use a Blissey!