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RBY Monotype Challenge

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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
The RBY Monotype Challenge

Played through the game? Bored but want to play again but don't know how to make it interesting? Simple: take up the Monotype Challenge. The rules and ideas are simple:

  • You play through either Red, Blue or Yellow using pokemon of only one type (including Duel types who must share the chosen type)
  • If your chosen starter is not of the type you picked, you are forbidden to use it.
  • No matter how stuck you get you must not use any other types.
  • You are allowed to use only ONE set of TMs. This means trading between other versions of RBY and also GSC is forbidden.
  • As with TMs, you cannot trade between games for pokemon. This means obtaining level 5 pokemon via eggs in GSC. Trading for evolution is allowed (Machamp, Alakazam, Golem, Pikachu, Gengar). You may trade between RBY games, so long as you do so, when you reach the place said pokemon would naturally appear (ie, Electabuzz in the Power Plant)
  • After you pass certain events or feel the need to update, you reply to the topic with details on how your progress is going, the status of your team, how hard it is, etc.
  • You may have only ONE member of a famly in your team. That means no duplicating a pokemon to fill your spots. No having two Pikachus to fill out your team, or a Nidoking and a Nidorino.
  • Ghost and Dragon teams are not accepted due to lack of pokemon
  • The challenge is considered complete upon the reaching, or defeat of Mewtwo.

So why not give it a try and have some fun!
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Ohh I've done this in Yellow purly with pikachu so it would be easy for a surfing pika becuase it was already trained high. I think I'll try this again soon for a surfing pika for my friend.

Can we use the Mew Glitch for lvl 7 pokemon or the duplication glitch for 129 items. I doubt you will acept the items but i don't care I don't have R/B. Anyway electric is hard in yellow the only electrics are pikachu, voltorb, electrode, magnimite, magniton.

;071; No you can't use a glitch for anything, that's the same as cheating. And I said you can trade for pokemon when you reach the right area. In Yellow you can trade for an Electabuzz when you reach the Power Plant. And you also have Zapdos. Having done an electric team, it is not massivly difficult if you know what you are doing. ;071;
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breathe, spit, walk
I've Started poison, Expect update soon. @ Mewtwo, how about evolving Eevee into Jolteon?
No double posting, so another edit here.

I did a lot since last time. I thrashed Brock using Bulby(pure OHKO's with Vine Whip) and it evolved into Ivysaur. Nidoran also evolved into Nidorino I caught a Zubat in Mt. Moon and named it Dracula. I Smashed Bert once again, and Visited bill. By the time I came back, my pkmn were lvl 20 and I trashed Misty using Bulby. I headed south, caught a Bellsprout (which turned out unable to learn Flash, so I ditched it and caught an Abra which I named Psyflash). I defeated the trainers east of Vermilion, got on S.S. Anne, beat up Bert once more, taught Beedrill and Bellsprout Cut, Zubat evolved into Golbat, and headed towards Surge for an electric battle. I got the better of the Junior Trainers with Bulby, Beat Surges voltorb & Pikachu with Spike and Crashed Raichu with Bulby. I taught Spike thunderbolt, and obtained Flash, taught it to Abra, headed east to Rock tunnel, went through it, and Crashed some trainers. I healed in lavender and headed west to Celadon, beating the trainers in route 8. I beat Erika's trainers with Dracula and Sting. Erika was no match for my lvl 31-32 pokes, and stood no chance against Dracula and Sting. I beat Rocket in the Game corner, evolved bulby into Venusaur, taught Nidorino Rock slide, evolved him into Nidoking (he only needs to learn Earthquake and Blizzard from TM's, so I can do that.) I got the silph scope, headed for Lavender, got the Better of Gary once again, and am currently in Lavender searching for Gastly.

~~Team Injection~~
In Party:
;003; Bulby lvl 33
Razor Leaf
Leech Seed
Body Slam

;015; Sting lvl 33
Poison Sting
Pin Missile

;034; Spike lvl 33
Horn Attack
Water Gun
Rock Slide

;042; Dracula lvl 33
Mega Drain
Wing Attack
Confuse Ray
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This idea sounds like a lot of fun, plus I have a Red I'm not doing anything with. Since I'd like to keep whatever fossil I pick, I'll probably try Rock. I could do Water as well, but Rock has some real challenge - I'd be stuck with nothing but a Geodude until I get to Rock Tunnel! Even then, it's only Onix that I get. Believe me, I'll be very happy to get to Cinnibar and up my team by two more. :)


Bug Monotype


You're supposed to make a post telling us what you have done, not tell us what your final team is going to be and what you intend to do. Read other people's posts in the old thread as an example.

And ffs WRITE the pokemon name instead of using smilies everywhere. You can use smilies to list your pokemon and their moves, don't throw them in everywhere, in place of the names.
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scyther said:

You're supposed to make a post telling us what you have done, not tell us what your final team is going to be and what you intend to do. Read other people's posts in the old thread as an example.

And ffs WRITE the pokemon name instead of using smilies everywhere. You can use smilies to list your pokemon and their moves, don't throw them in everywhere, in place of the names.

sorry,messed up again...


Double posting isn't going to really help, I'm guessing, Scyther.

As for me, I decided to go with Water instead of Rock. Since this is my first time doing a monotype challenge, I thought that I should save a more difficult type for a later attempt.

I began as all trainers do in Pallet Town, where I was quickly summoned by Professor Oak to begin my Pokemon journey! Even before I saw the three choices before me, I knew that only one Pokemon type would suit me, and sure enough Squirtle, who I named Tsunami, became my new friend and partner!

I ran an errand for the professor in Viridian City and quickly headed for Pewter City. There I challenged and quickly defeated Brock, not only receiving the Boulder Badge and the Bide TM but also watching as Tsunami became a Wartortle! We left immediately for Mount Moon, caught a Clefairy to later use for Flash, and arrived in Cerulean City.

This place really seemed like my kind of town, as the gym was full of water Pokemon I would have traded all the money in the world to have! Wartortle, already in his mid-twenties, had little trouble dispatching Misty and her subordinates, and we continued our quest to Vermillion City.

I was a bit worried about the gym and its electric types, but had little problem with it - there was no way to enter the gym! Instead, I used Bill's ticket to come aboard the SS Anne and fight the bored passengers. Along with me was a new ally, a Magikarp caught with the aid of the Fishing Guru. He was weak, but with Wartortle's and my help, we would make him strong. Closing in on the Captain's quarters to see if he could help train me in the ways of cutting, I could sense that my rival and former best friend Gary was nearby...

My Team

;008; Tsunami Lv. 33
Water Gun

;130; Gyarados Lv. 20

EDIT: What's the deal, the monotype challenge not very popular? In any case, I'm made significant progress, so here I go!

When I came up to Gary on the SS Anne, I was a bit worried about the fight in store for me. Instead, my as-of-yet unnamed Gyarados sweeps through is team with devastating results! I leave Gary to mull over his pathetic loss and enter the captain's quarters. It seems that the poor guy's seasick, and I help him out with a nice backrub, and it seems to do the trick! The captain is very grateful for my help and rewards me with a Hidden Machine, Cut! I wave to all as the ship leaves port and look to my continuing adventure.

I notice that while my training has gone well, I have gone lax in my duty to Professor Oak and his incomplete Pokedex. I quickly snatch up a Spearow and trade it for the extremely rare Farfetch'd, but unfortunately for him, Dux serves no more purpose than becoming an HM Slave. With him I am now able to enter the Vermillion Gym and challenge Lt. Surge.

The trainers are far simpler to defeat than I imagined, but the sheer power of Surge's Raichu leaves me reeling on the first two attempts. The lieutenant slips up on the third rematch by not using Thunderbolt to his full advantage, and I quickly crush the electric mouse in the jaws of Gyarados! Another badge, another TM and lots more prize money, while Surge gracefully accepts the amusing loss. Who knew that even the power of thunder could fail against water?

With the town's usefulness to me exhausted, I return with my team to Cerulean, obtain a Bicycle courtesy of the Pokemon Fan Club President, and go to Rock Tunnel. No trainer that stands in my way gives me the least bit of trouble, and neither do the Pokemon that call the cave their home. I manage to encounter a low-level Onix, but run out of Poke Balls and have no choice to make it faint to keep my Gyarados growing.

Ah! Fresh air once again! Things get noticeably more depressing in Lavender Town, but seeing the Name Rater raises my spirits: Gyarados gets a name, Typhoon. I ignore the Tower for now and go straight to Celadon City. The first order of business is to visit the enormous Department Store. I pick up all the trainer essentials, a Poke Doll for later, plenty of Lemonade, every TM I can get, and a Water Stone. The TMs go in my PC with the others and I get myself an Eevee. I waste no time in evolving it into a beautiful Vaporeon and teaching it Ice Beam. My own aqua-teen trio and I find out that Team Rocket is up to no good, and I personally take care of Giovanni and his cronies.

Erika is next on my list, and not a single trainer can stand up to the high-level power of my team. She hands over the badge and Mega Drain and I leave a happy young man. With the Silph Scope ready, I make my way to the top of Pokemon Tower, banishing the spirits haunting the Channelers as well as making peace with Marowak. The Rockets make a hasty retreat and with Mr. Fuji free, so do I - but only after capturing a cute little Cubone.

I use the Poke Flute to defeat the Celadon-side Snorlax, drive him back to the mountains with slight disappointment (no Ultra Balls) and use the speedy Cycling Road to get to Fuschia with ease. I enjoy a brief walk in the Safari Zone but my goal this time is the Secret House, not the rare Pokemon awaiting me there. Surf goes right onto my renamed Vaporeon, Atlantis, and the Good Rod becomes ours. Rather than hunt for new water-types or track down the other Snorlax and Super Rod, I crush Koga in combat and prepare to head for Cinnibar, where my Dome Fossil seems to be pulling me. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has invaded Saffron City, and I may just be the city's last hope...

My Team

;009; Tsunami Lv. 37
Water Gun

;130; Typhoon Lv. 37
Take Down
Dragon Rage

;134; Atlantis Lv. 37
Ice Beam
Double Team
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breathe, spit, walk

Well, I too have made progress, and here follows chapter three of my story. I caught a Gastly in Lavender Tower, named it Spirit and leveled it up to Haunter (and I traded it back and forth for Gengar later). I scared the crap out of the Rockets in Lavender and obtained the Poke Flute. I beat the trainers on Cycling Road and The snorlaxes, obtained Fly, taught it to Squawk. (that's how I've been getting around most of the time.) Spirit did well in the battles and as a result he's now on average footing with his colleagues. I also caught a venonat lvl. 26 on Route 12, named it Dusty(because of the dust markings on Venomoth's wings), it evolved and now also is ready to battle hard and strong. It turned out Venomoth couldn't learn strength (meaning there's a flaw in the Pokedex). I Caught a horsea as surf slave so I could catch Tentacool. I leveled all my pokemon to Lvl 40, then I rampaged easily through the gym and faced Koga.

His first Koffing was no match for Dusty, who knew Psybeam and it fell quickly. Muk fell to one Psychic courtesy of Spirit, and a nice Hypnosis/Dream Eater combo. The second Koffing was no match for Sting. Dusty was confronted with Weezing, but Koga turned out to be a coward of the largest sort and after taking one psybeam hit from Dusty, it used Selfdestruct. Dusty barely survived the hit but miraculously got the exp. with 4 HP left.

I went into the Safari Zone and obtained the two remaining HMs and taught them to Spike and Horsea respectively.I then caught a Tentacool lvl 20 using my HM slave Horsea.. I also taught Tenta Ice Beam and Surf.

I used Squawk to get to Saffron and I might be the city's last hope for freedom, seeing as the Rockets are everywhere and abundant....

Special Thanks goes to Golbat aka Dracula who has helped me out of some Desperate situations but whose services are unfortunately no longer required to get me out of some Pickles. I wish him best-of-luck in the Box with Squawk, Psyflash, Venus, Cyana, Horsea and the others.

;042; Dracula lvl. 40
Wing Attack
Mega Drain
Confuse Ray

EDIT: I thought I should update, so here goes: I creamed the fighting Dojo by piggybacking Tenta for Dusty/Spirit(it feels so good to have pokemon with Psychic on my team) and after that the Rockets have felt Tenta's wrath as well as some have seen my other fearsome pokemon in action(Most notably Spike). *Spike pops up out of his pokeball* --Wraagh!--. NO SPIKE, DON'T COME OUT OF YOUR BALL UNLESS I TELL YOU TO. Never mind Spike, he gets overreactive when he hasn't been able to thrash around for a while <_<. I taught Spike Earthquake. *earth opens up*. NO SPIKE, DON'T! *I return spike to his ball* Giovanni's cronies were no match, and Giovanni was absolutely weak. Nidorino fell to Dusty, Rhyhorn and Nidoqueen to Tenta (LVL 35! COME ON) and 'Khan was beaten to pulp by Bulby. I have no other words for him: pathetic. Then I decided to take a real test and try to defeat Sabrina. Her cronies were weak and I had no trouble with them (what do you want with Venusaur vs. Slowpoke/Bro. Not even Tobybro >_<)And then, Sabrina. I had feared her. I had looked up to the moment I would face the Psychic Master. I was the Poison Master, as I had Beaten Koga, but could m fearsome Poisons stand up to her? The answer was yes. Sabrina was pitiful. Kadabra was taken out by Tenta, who on his turn was taken out by Mr. Mime. Then I sent out my trusty aging Beedrill, Sting, and he was so quick to stab with Twineedle that Sabrina literally stood no chance against him. She couldn' get a single hit in against Sting. Pathetic. I had looked up to a weakling who couldn't even beat a mere Beedrill.

I'm planning on going to the Power Plant to get Thunder for Gengar. I might get some training done on them, don't want to be too underpowered for the Elite 4....

~~Team Injection~~

;073; Tenta lvl. 36
Ice Beam

;034; Spike lvl. 42
Rock Slide

;003; Bulby lvl. 41
Razor Leaf
Leech Seed
Body Slam

;015; Sting lvl. 42
Swords Dance

Yes, this is my speedy Swords Dancing Beedrill. Thank you sting, you got rid of the hardest part of the game (can't call it hardest, but anyways)I'm going to replace him with Weezing.

;094; Spirit lvl. 42
Confuse Ray
Dream Eater

;049; Dusty lvl. 42
Stun Spore
Leech Life(soon to be Sleep Powder)

The annoyer Venomoth set? I don't know about that, but good for a laugh.
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Just to say, Ice and Fighting only have 5 Pokemon each in RBY.





Oh, and I'll be doing another RBY Mono-Type challenge, because... I feel like it.


breathe, spit, walk
And here comes my penultimate update on the challenge. I taught Gengar thunder, and I decided to do some good training. So I explored the routes around the Islands and Cinnabar. I got thoroughly annoyed with the water pokes, and Venusaur redirected my wrath perfectly.

I caught Grimer and Koffing in Cinnabar Mansion (I named Grimer Muck(!) and Koffing Gaseous). I deposited Sting and I entered Gaseous into my team, bidding a warm farewell to the one who had ridden me of my greatest fear(Sabrina red.). Gaseous soon evolved into Weezing. I trained everyone to lvl 45, got the secret key, and beat the underlings of Blaine.

Then came Blaine itself. He faced Tenta, my trusty water-type basher, and his Surf OHKO'd all Blaine had on him at the time. (I didn't even need to use Spike's Earthquake.) I got the badge and TM, teaching Fire Blast to Gaseous.

I then headed for Viridian and beat Giovanni's underlings. Giovanni was a piece of cake. Tenta, Bulby and Dusty got rid of him for me. I headed west to the entrance, but guess who waited for me. The idiot of a rival of mine, Bert. Pidgeot, Charizard, Rhyhorn, Exeggcute, Gyarados were easy, but Alakazam was tough. He fainted a few of my pokemon, but Weezing went boom(Yes, when you've only got poison pokemon, selfdestruct is a good idea) in his face and Gengar finished the job nicely.

I stand now at the Entrance of Victory Road and the following honored pokemon stand by my side at the moment:

~~Team Injection~~

;034; Spike lvl. 46
Rock Slide

The bashing pokemon. Will be of good use in the League. Don't forget to calm him down.

;110; Gaseous lvl. 45
Fire Blast

Arguably the weakest of my pokemon (tied with Venomoth. But Sting and Dracula are worse ;)). Goes boom in your face without warning, and on top of it all, you get me into a fit of laughing and calling you stupid because you didn't see it coming.

;003; Venusaur lvl. 46
Razor Leaf
Body Slam
Leech Seed

WHEN DOES HE LEARN SLEEP POWDER?!. Loyal as hell too. The pokemon I have known longest and best. Spike is a good second.

;094; Spirit lvl. 46
Confuse ray

The jewel in the crown. One of my favourite switch-ins when people get cocky. Says enough about the spooky-thunderous-exceptionally strong- gas pokemon

;049; Venomoth lvl. 46
Sleep Powder

The annoyer and finish-off for fighting pokemon. Blackbelts usually get depressed immediately when they see this nasty guy come into action.

;073; Tenta lvl. 47
Ice Beam

Looked like a hopeless case, but that honor shifted to Venomoth and later Weezing. Did a number of good things, like taking care of Blaine, Giovanni and Bert. Might just be my lifesaver. Not very appealing, but very convincing....


a lot of things happened and i didnt post,but now i am at viridian city,facing giovanni,to beat him i used mega drain and solarbeam,i used needle, sword blade,only to kill the nidos,them i am going to elite four

--spore n cut--

wing attack
double team

(need a boost?)

;127;sword lv49
seismic toss
sword dance

huge attack!

;012;free lv50
sleep powder

sleep,and face a HYPER solarbeam

;015;twinneedle lv48
pin missile
hyper beam
mega drain

twineddle rocks!

;049; lv49
sleep powder

i copied this from altmer

;047; lv49
leech life

spore never misses

and this is my team trained and real,

first i now this isnt a team rate thread,but some changes need to be done

Altmer_bulbasaur said:
;034; Spike lvl. 46
Rock Slide

blizzard+thunderbolt can sweep anything

;110; Gaseous lvl. 45
Fire Blast

explosion is stronger,and have the same acc%

honestly this changes will be death or live
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breathe, spit, walk
scyther said:
first i now this isnt a team rate thread,but some changes need to be done

honestly this changes will be death or live

explosion is stronger,and have the same acc%
First of all, I'm leveling weezing so it knows explosion. That makes sense. It simply hasn't reached that level yet. If you had read the moveset site carefully, you would know that I intend to do so anyway. Weezing's just not at the required level(though I have had to make a few changes due to Venomoth being not able to learn strength).

blizzard+thunderbolt can sweep anything
Second, it's not competitive (yet). So I don't care if Nido knows Blizzard yes or no. Blizzards's crap in-game. Tentacruel takes care of dragons way better with Ice beam.
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breathe, spit, walk
Of course I'm not going to keep it. I know explosion is stronger, it's just the movesets they have at that certain point in the game, at which explosion is not available or Weezings not strong enough. If you read my posts, you would know where I am now (Victory Road Entrance).


I beat the Elite 4 easily. Lorelei first three fell to Bulby, Jynx to Gaseous and Lapras to Gengar. I beat Bruno with Venusaur and Venomoth. Agatha faced Dusty, Spirit and Spike (how I love Earthquake...) and Lance was also no match for me.

Gary was the same old story. I beat every pokemon quickly except Alakazam, who fainted half my team. Through a revive strategy and the status inflicters I got there.

Then I went to the Unknown Dungeon to kill mewtwo(No, not catch it! It's a Psycho! I don't need Psychos!). It took me disastrously long but some revives, a Leech seed from Bulby (so glad I pulled that off) and confuse rays, smokescreens and Barriers later I managed to beat Mewtwo. Now I am the Poison Master of Kanto and I will be traveling to Jphto, as I want to become the grass Master of the Gold version....

End Party:

Same attacks as before post except that weezing knows Explosion instead of selfdestruct.

;110; Gaseous lvl. 48
;094; Spirit lvl. 50
;073; Tenta lvl. 50
;034; Spike lvl. 49
;003; Bulby lvl. 48
;049; Dusty lvl. 48

You will know the descriptions by now....

sleep powder

i copied this from altmer

I feel honored that one copies my Beautiful venomoth's moveset *Dusty cries for joy, finally its talent is being recognized :D* Just don't make it plagiarism okay? :D
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Altmer_bulbasaur said:
I feel honored that one copies my Beautiful venomoth's moveset *Dusty cries for joy, finally its talent is being recognized :D* Just don't make it plagiarism okay? :D

i didnt copy ,i usualy use this moveset that matches with your


breathe, spit, walk
scyther said:
i didnt copy ,i usualy use this moveset that matches with your

Then why did you say you copied it from me?.

GENERAL COMMENT ON MONOTYPE: Poison was fairly easy. It has so much variety within the type that just Alakazams/Hypnos/mewtwos are hard to beat.


;123;because my venomoth matches with your just that

this is spam,lets stop with this


breathe, spit, walk

Can't we also include single-Fighter challenges in this topic


I have restarted finally my pika knows surf... i used a glitch to evolve pikachu (yellow only works with other pokes for other stones. put pika in first place put a growlith in second then lvl up the pike...) i am almost nowhere and have a very strong raichu...

I hope that is not "exploiting a glitch" because I could just trade to get it to evolve...

Lvl 30 Raichu @Light Ball (if traded into GSC... lol... XD)
Thunder Wave
Mega Kick/Body Slam (I noe his Atk sux)

lvl 21 Voltorb/Magnimite (I forgot which because I caught one in yellow and the other in fire red)

I forget the moveset...

My team sux...
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