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RC is back to spriting! ...With 2 new mixes.


Well-Known Member
Yes only 2. Now don't worry, I'll do a revamp or two, maybe a scratch if I have time, and a bunch of mixes. Here are the two I just worked on. Critic and Compliments are always welcomed. But please give me ideas ;o;!!

Here are the mixes:


Combusken + Pochama's 2nd stage. It is by far one of the best mixes I've done. Thanks to juputoru for the random idea.

Next, we have Mukkutu. Natu + Mukkuru, it turned out good too. I have a problem with the head, any idea how to fix it?

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there ok, not that I could do any better!
Anyways...in #1 the yellow things on the top of the head do not connect with the head ( to fix this, I would copy paste another version of the pokemon and manually adjust the "horns" by freehand with the pencil tool (if using paint) and use the copy as a guide)

In #2 I dunno...the eyes scare me a little...dunno how to fix that, the tail also looks odd.

Sorry if I was absolutely no help at all.


Well-Known Member
there ok, not that I could do any better!
Anyways...in #1 the yellow things on the top of the head do not connect with the head ( to fix this, I would copy paste another version of the pokemon and manually adjust the "horns" by freehand with the pencil tool (if using paint) and use the copy as a guide)

In #2 I dunno...the eyes scare me a little...dunno how to fix that, the tail also looks odd.

Sorry if I was absolutely no help at all.

Could you be more specific on how to fix the horns? I want to know what I should do so next time I don't make that mistake.


-- Fear Dawn &&
They look nice, but improvement in shape is needed. ;)


Well-Known Member
They look nice, but improvement in shape is needed. ;)

Again, I'm really sorry but I need something more specific. Its annoying trying to figure out what you're trying to say :p. I am aiming for improvement, and in order to get there I need some specific help.


guess whos back?
on number 1, the left wing seems a little long, try to shorten it to make it more natural. Also, the left horn seens to be going off the head, it should be attached to the top.
Number two, i think I see what the problem is. You used the white part of the head as the lighter shade, you should have made the shading more custom. The shading on the body seems a little odd, too.
great job though.


Well-Known Member
on number 1, the left wing seems a little long, try to shorten it to make it more natural. Also, the left horn seens to be going off the head, it should be attached to the top.
Number two, i think I see what the problem is. You used the white part of the head as the lighter shade, you should have made the shading more custom. The shading on the body seems a little odd, too.
great job though.
Thanks! I fixed the wing and the shading, not sure about the horn though.

Also could someone pleeaaasseee suggest something to mix? D/P sprites is all I use btw.


guess whos back?
The 2nd is better, though you have to improve on your shading skills a little more, but that will improve over time.
heres what Im talking about on the first-

As you see, on the other, the horn goes behind the head, while on yours it stops


Well-Known Member
Is that any better? I know I need to improve on my shading. I've been looking at official sprites and been starting to figure shading out..slowly.


guess whos back?
yeah, your getting better. just keep on practicing, and youll do fine. Its nice to see another smart person on this forum anyway.
Its fine that your lewarning to shade slowly, its a hard part of spriting to learn. Took me over a year to get it down. Just keep on working on it, your actually pretty good.


guess whos back?
No, not really. (does pokemon generator)
how about tha fat cat from DP (cant remember the name) and tentacruel? Tentacruels legs can be whiskers =D


Well-Known Member
OK new mix! (Its between Roselia's pre-evolution and that bug thing)
I think its good. What do you guys think? What do I need to improve?

EDIT: Btw OmegaDragon didnt double post. I deleted my post and he posted while I was deleting it. Sorry Omega :p

EDIT 2: New Mix! [IMG139]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v646/RandomCharizard/Gengawaaru.png[/IMG139]
Gengar and Dusclops evolution, how do you like it? I didnt know how to do the legs.....