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Possesed Deoxys

Do the Pika Dance ^^
Greetings..I'm Tiago's ( Possesed Deoxys ) mother..anda i'm here..tou say..that he died..last month...i know its sad..but i just want to say..tiago i love. you..please say something about this...

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
Y'know, your spelling is a little off.

And did you have permission from your son to post about his death here? Because this doesn't look like something a mother would do. Normally...

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Yeah I agree, if you WERE a parent you would have at least made your spelling readable to other people, and who puts so many stops after words.

A TRUE mother would have never posted it, I think you just want attention, and I checked your posts, why would a mother post in a request shop or 'Whos your favourite Gym leader' ?


Well-Known Member
Yep your a mother despite the fact your a male and 16. Its all logical


Stabby McStabface
really? well....i'm sorry for you, anyway


Yeah I agree, if you WERE a parent you would have at least made your spelling readable to other people, and who puts so many stops after words.

Oh okay. Feel free to explain why my mother still types "u" and all of that then. :rolleyes:

This is a joke anyway.

Yep your a mother despite the fact your a male and 16. Its all logical
If that wasn't the most retarded post on this forum, I don't know what is.


Gamer Since 1987
The D/P section

Rofl Agreed! XD!

Well Possesed Deoxys, Please Do Tell Me More About His Death And About Yourself...Mr.Comedian, Im Laughin To Tears

Yep your a mother despite the fact your a male and 16. Its all logical

Well, Don´t Eat Mc Donalds Food, Stuff Happends There = /


Staff member


You have got to be kidding me. Death isn't anything to joke about. Please go get hit by a bus.


Gamer Since 1987
Check His Posts, So You Mean His Mother Request Stuff and Post In The "Whos Your Favorite Gym Leader" ? I Don´t Think So.. And This is not the first time Possesed Deoxys Write Stuff Like This To Get Attention...Yeah, Hell yeah my parent´s if i had one would surely write to the serebii site where you talk about pokemon and write about that yesterday at 8:59 PM, Well hell yeah if my child dies i would straight away leap to the comp and write to serebii about his death!! (Ever Heard The story Of The Boy Who Calls Wolf, Wolf! ? )

please be polite, Im trying to. If im Wrong slap mysomething and call me a butt cheak
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