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Reader's Club

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Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
*approved by PsiUmbreon*

OK, so this is a club for people who like to read. You can talk about what books you're reading now, or about ones that are coming out soon. That kind of thing.

OK, the rules are the usual. No spamming, don't insult other members, keep swearing to a minumum, stay on topic....that kind of thing.

Naruto Uzumaki
Earth's Demon
Goose Gladwell
~Espeon Arianna~
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Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
Sorry about the double post, but the thread is dying...

So.....I'm reading The Two Towers at the moment. I really do like these books, I'm reading them for the first time.

Who's your favorite author?

I'd have to say Tamora Pierce. I love her books.

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
I love to read so may I join? Right now i'm reading Eldest the sequal to eragon.


Can I join? I love to read. I am currently reading Eldest. My favorite author is a tie between J.K. Rowling and Christopher Paolini.

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
dragonmaster5000 said:
Can I join? I love to read. I am currently reading Eldest. My favorite author is a tie between J.K. Rowling and Christopher Paolini.
You and I have the same favorite authors and we're both reading the same book lol

Great minds think alike

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
Well since not everyone answered told what they're reading hres the topic. What are you reading currently?


I'm reading Eldest, as I said before. I got caught up in the action and excitement rgiht away and I find myself not wanting to stop reading until my mom yells, "It's 12:00 AM! Go to bed!". This is happening more and more lately.
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ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
well I just finished Eldest and it was awsome! So your mom tells you to go to bed in the afternoon? lol I think you meant A.M.

So ur just going to let your club die like that?

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
lol Its okay happens to everyone -_^


No, sorry, I haven't. I'll try to if I have time. But do tell us...what are his books like? I'l always eager to learn more.
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