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Real Men, Real Role Players, Real Loonies and Real Munchkins


Dungeon Master
A topic like this really needs no introduction. But for those of you that have never seen topics like this anywhere, here's an explanation.

The idea's pretty simple. You give a situation, and then what each category of person would do in the situation. But you have to say what all four would do. For this topic, the theme is Pokemon, of course. Anything found in Pokemon can be used here. Feel free to duplicate situations if you've got something different to post.


Real Men: The tough macho type who walks up to the attacking Dragon(ite) and tells him to leave before he gets hurt.

Real Role-players: The intelligent cunning guy who tricks the constable (officer Jenny) into letting you all out of prison.

Real Loonies: The guy who will do anything for a cheap laugh, including casting a fireball (Hyper Beam) at ground zero.

Real Munchkins: Also known as 'power gamers', Munchkins usually find and exploit the system to provide the best bonuses, the most powerful items, and generaly become as uber-powerful as they possibly can.

I'll give some examples to give you an idea of how it works.

Dealing with Wild Angry Pokemon

Real Men: Attack it and KO it.

Real Role-Players: Get it down to 1/10 HP and then capture it.

Real Loonies: Use all their Potions on it to try and become friends with it.

Real Munchkins: Use one of their 99 Master Balls to capture it.

Dealing with Pokemon Trainers

Real Men: Battle them and (preferably) KO all of their Pokemon.

Real Role-Players: Converse with them and ask for the whereabouts of the city's Gym.

Real Loonies: Use their last critically injured Pokemon to try and win against them.

Real Munchkins: Whatever provides the most XP.

When Choosing Their First Pokemon

Real Men: Charmander!!!

Real Role-Players: Bulbasaur!

Real Loonies: The rabid Rattata.

Real Munchkins: Bulbasaur, or whichever one is on the highest level.

Alright. Now let's see what you can come up with. It takes a bit of thinking, but it is worth it.


Team rocket attacks.

Real man/woman: Beat the socks off of their heads.
Real role player: Beat them to gain loyalty from the town.
Real loony: Join them
Munchkin: Hack and steal their Poke's.

Is that what you want?


Dungeon Master
Team rocket attacks.

Real man/woman: Beat the socks off of their heads.
Real role player: Beat them to gain loyalty from the town.
Real loony: Join them
Munchkin: Hack and steal their Poke's.

Is that what you want?

Yeah, exactly. Basically, what would each category of person do in the given situation?

Favorite Pokemon Game

Real Men: Pokemon Emerald
Real Role Player: Pokemon Yellow
Real Loony: Pokemon Snap
Munchkin: Every Pokemon game, since they have two GBAs, a link cable and can trade the Pokemon from one game to the next and have every creature so far.


if there is a wild tauros rampage
REal Men: defeat them all with powerful attacks
real roleplayers:KO alot of them, leaving a few to try and capture
REal Loonies: lie down
Real Munchkins:throw masterballs, capture them all, trade to another person, trun off the game, and experience the event again to capture them all over again!


I dropped my balls
Ninja attack
Real Men: Fight with them, of course!
Real Role Player: Run! it's the only plan in which you make it out alive.
Real Loony: Banana
Munchkin: Protect and Shock wave! Faint attack is the only logical choice because everyone knows ninjask are weak against electric attacks, and Shockwave never misses.

Yes, the Munchkin mistakes Ninjas for Ninjask :3

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
If i understood this right:

Missing.no appears!

Real men: Toss their Gameboy into the wall
Real roleplayer: Runs.
Real loonie: Captures it and saves.
Real munchkin: Uses the missing.no glitch to clone master balls.