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Really good moves for bulbasaur


Dragon Master
;001; On my first and final try on the personality test at the beginning, I got Sam the Bulbasaur. I found this is the best move set I have tried:

Sleep powder
Leech seed
bullet seed
razor leaf

I did this to beat every legendary bird, rayquaza, Groudon, Kyogure, The regis, mew, ho-oh, and other toughies. My main combo was first use Sleep powder, then leech seed, then I use bullet seed to knock them out, all the while my leech seed is sapping away the enemy's life. If they wake up, I just use sleep powder again.
I use razor leaf for anything too small for bullet seed but too big for basic attacks.

Just a tip for any new bulbasaurs out there. :) ;001;
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The moveset isn't bad except for the fact your offensive moves are limited and you may need some Max Elixirs.


Dragon Master
yeah, I do use a few max elixars, but it works for me. I just let my partner do most battles, or use basic attacks, but I use my moves for bosses. :) ;)


Yeah my level 100 Zappy really relies on Basic attacks in long dungeons. It's basic attack damage ranges 110-199 so I don't need to waste my main moves.