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Reasoning for people to start playing the TCG again


Why did I start playing the TCG? Simple: I can collect & battle with all my favorite Pokémon, unlike the current video games!


loves to trade pokemon
I love the TCG! It's so much fun to build decks. I always felt like I get double value because I redeem the codes on ptcglive. I like expanded format because there are more variety in opponents (ranked/casual standard is full of dark tera Charizard ex decks and I am tired of those.)


New Member
I got back into it recently after watching a Video on Dark Pokemon, that curosity lead me to discover Team Rocket Pokemon. But I was bummed out that the set was phased out. So I picked up the TCG live card game a month ago and have been hooked ever since,
I am looking forward to the Glory of Team rocket set tho. Definitely going to try to make a full deck if its possible and have another for keepsakes.