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Reasons why a pokemon might be banned


I Crush Everything
I made a thread like this before, and I am now going to re make it.

Now, there were some pokemon that were banned. This is a discussion, where we talk about what pokemon might be banned, because of offense to someone.

Here are the pokemon that were banned.

Jynx: For apparently stereotyping black people. I still don't understand how, but it got banned in America for a while.

Porygon: from the anime. Porygon was in an episode which was too full of flashes, and caused seisures to many people. Porygon was never shown again in the anime, probably because it would remind people of the event too much.

Here are some pokemon which have offended some people, but did not need to be banned.

Houndoom: Was said to be satanic, because it may be based on a hellhound.

Zubat: One trading card of zubat had a pattern in the background, which some people mistook for a swastika.

Now, these pokemon do not need any mention, unless you are asking a question about them or commenting. Don't point them out.

Now, discuss what pokemon you think might be banned or offend someone, and give reasons why. If you think a pokemon is stereotyping something, or may look a little innapropriate somehow, or is insulting to religion, then please tell. Oh, and please don't compare pokemon to human private body parts. I was really annoyed about that last time, so please don't do that.

Fighting Dark Man

Everyone's Nightmare
Jynx: For apparently stereotyping black people. I still don't understand how, but it got banned in America for a while.

Um, have you seen the early sprites and pics of Jynx? It was black. So of course even though it was based off some Japanese thing (in my understanding), people confused it for a stereotype of blacks. That's why it is no longer colored black.


Eevee Trainer
In one extremist Christian article I read, Abra-Kadabra-Alakazam are evil because their names are magic words and they bend spoons with their psychic powers. And psychic powers are evil and against God. Odd, huh?


I read somewhere ages ago that the Abra line offended real life phychics and they sued Pokemon. I have no proof and I'm not sure if it was true or not, but I distinctly remember reading the story.


Dino Tamer
Zubat: One trading card of zubat had a pattern in the background, which some people mistook for a swastika.

What is Swastika? never heard of it.

Fighting Dark Man

Everyone's Nightmare
I read somewhere ages ago that the Abra line offended real life phychics and they sued Pokemon. I have no proof and I'm not sure if it was true or not, but I distinctly remember reading the story.

I think I read on Wikipedia that someone who claimed to have psychic powers got mad at the makers of Pokemon because they based Kadabra off of him and didn't give him credit or something. Why just Kadabra? Dunno, but that's what I seem to recall.


Eevee Trainer
A Swastika is a symbol. One of the most popular uses for it was the symbol of Hitler's Nazis.

Yeah, it's originally a Japanese symbol with a different name. Then Hitler flipped it around and made it something to be feared. It's now remembered as the swastika, a symbol of the Nazis. Don't remember what the original symbol means, but it's featured in a manga, Blade of the Immortal. The main character's kimono has it on the back.

EDIT: The original symbol is the Buddhist wheel.
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Havoc Houndoom

Cascade Trainer
The 'mirror-image' swastika is a Hindu symbol of good luck. I remember that from a strategy guide for the first NES Zelda game - the third dungeon, remember?


Internet Overlord
Yeah, i'm guessing they just forgot to take it out when they translated (and reformatted) that batch of cards.

On the Jynx thing, notice how no one's mad about Mr. Mime (fat white guy that copies what he sees).


Well-Known Member
I think I read on Wikipedia that someone who claimed to have psychic powers got mad at the makers of Pokemon because they based Kadabra off of him and didn't give him credit or something. Why just Kadabra? Dunno, but that's what I seem to recall.
It was Uri Geller. Kadabra's Japanese name is Yungera, and the Katakana symbol for "n" looks similar to "ri", so he thought Kadabra's Japanese name was Yurigera, which sounds like Uri Geller.

Asides from the Uri Geller incident, what else was controversial about Kadabra was the zigzag patterns on the abdomen. People thought they looked like the Waffen SS symbols.
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Internet Overlord
I suppose the new god-poke we make peoples mad, god is probably a bad way to translate it...

Really, banning, how's that even suppose work, aside from them not showing up on the anime ... heehee, sorry kiddies, there are only 149 orginal pokemon now, we had to take kadabra out.


Well-Known Member
Porygon dammit.
After the "incident" it Porygon and Porygon2 havent been in the anime.


Pokemon Collecter
In one extremist Christian article I read, Abra-Kadabra-Alakazam are evil because their names are magic words and they bend spoons with their psychic powers. And psychic powers are evil and against God. Odd, huh?

Well, in an extremist Christian article that I read, ALL pokemon are evil, as:
  • Summoning 'demons' to battle eachother is the devils bidding.
  • Evolution goes against Creationism theory.
  • The monsters control Forces of Nature which they are not meant to control.

As I said, though. "EXTREME" Christian article. :D
Also, I remember someone on another forum complaining that Ludicolo was a Mexican stereotype.


Old Coot
On the Jynx thing, notice how no one's mad about Mr. Mime (fat white guy that copies what he sees).
Ever hear of a mime? ;\ That's what he's based on. They imitate acts and usually act as if they're using invisible items or trapped in an invisible box.


Raiden Maximus
I think Kadabra was almost banned just because of it's jap name a psychic saw. He though it was a rip-off. More details are here


But scientists say humans can only use 10% of their brain and if they could use 40% or more they could have telekinesis and all that. What are those people who think Phsycic powers are evil gonna do, destroy all humans?


Long time no see
I dnt think that aresues is offensive to christians
it is a made up character in a made up world.
but i feel sad
doesnt it seem strange that there is a god of all pokemon now.....they are tying up loose ends....to end the series. 4th gen may be the last....


Well-Known Member
Grasswhistler said:
I read somewhere ages ago that the Abra line offended real life phychics and they sued Pokemon. I have no proof and I'm not sure if it was true or not, but I distinctly remember reading the story.
Actually, it was just Kadabra and Alakazam and the person who planned to sue was Uri Geller, resident British nutter, psychic and spoon bender. Because Kadabra and Alakazam used spoons Uri saw it as something against him and so got in a miff.

Way to go Uri. Way to go. :/