I Crush Everything
I made a thread like this before, and I am now going to re make it.
Now, there were some pokemon that were banned. This is a discussion, where we talk about what pokemon might be banned, because of offense to someone.
Here are the pokemon that were banned.
Jynx: For apparently stereotyping black people. I still don't understand how, but it got banned in America for a while.
Porygon: from the anime. Porygon was in an episode which was too full of flashes, and caused seisures to many people. Porygon was never shown again in the anime, probably because it would remind people of the event too much.
Here are some pokemon which have offended some people, but did not need to be banned.
Houndoom: Was said to be satanic, because it may be based on a hellhound.
Zubat: One trading card of zubat had a pattern in the background, which some people mistook for a swastika.
Now, these pokemon do not need any mention, unless you are asking a question about them or commenting. Don't point them out.
Now, discuss what pokemon you think might be banned or offend someone, and give reasons why. If you think a pokemon is stereotyping something, or may look a little innapropriate somehow, or is insulting to religion, then please tell. Oh, and please don't compare pokemon to human private body parts. I was really annoyed about that last time, so please don't do that.
Now, there were some pokemon that were banned. This is a discussion, where we talk about what pokemon might be banned, because of offense to someone.
Here are the pokemon that were banned.
Jynx: For apparently stereotyping black people. I still don't understand how, but it got banned in America for a while.
Porygon: from the anime. Porygon was in an episode which was too full of flashes, and caused seisures to many people. Porygon was never shown again in the anime, probably because it would remind people of the event too much.
Here are some pokemon which have offended some people, but did not need to be banned.
Houndoom: Was said to be satanic, because it may be based on a hellhound.
Zubat: One trading card of zubat had a pattern in the background, which some people mistook for a swastika.
Now, these pokemon do not need any mention, unless you are asking a question about them or commenting. Don't point them out.
Now, discuss what pokemon you think might be banned or offend someone, and give reasons why. If you think a pokemon is stereotyping something, or may look a little innapropriate somehow, or is insulting to religion, then please tell. Oh, and please don't compare pokemon to human private body parts. I was really annoyed about that last time, so please don't do that.