• We are currently experiencing a flood of requests from bots scraping the forums. Unfortunately it has gotten to the point where it is negatively impacting the site. As a result the forums may be slow and you may periodically experiance an error message. We are aware of the problem and apologize for the inconvenience.
  • Be sure to join the discussion on our discord at: Discord.gg/serebii
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.:Rebirth of an Old Shop:. *Note: If you requested something at the old shop, PM me!


Yay Eevee!
Note: If you have requested something from me and haven't gotten it, please PM me what it was. I may have forgotten. That, and I haven't been spriting in a while. I don't even remember what I can do at the moment.

Shop is Closed until all requests from the old shop are PM'ed to me and I finish them. After that I'll organize a little list of what I can do.

Besides, the old shop was getting a little chaotic anyway.

If you want to be a staff member, PM me when the shop's open and we'll see.

--Examples coming soon!--

And please, PM me your requests from the old shop! Only one person so far has done this, and I don't think it was a request from the old shop before it was permanently closed down.
So, please... PM me your old requests, how many times do I have to stress this?
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Well-Known Member
Ooh! First post! I know its closed, but when you get the time, PLEASE DO MY OLD REQUEST WITH THE BLUE TC. Have you forgotten? Heh...