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charizard lord


Pokemon Shaman
Your recolors are BAD.

1. You need to recolor the borders, too.
2. Don't use such dark or bright colors, they need to be more dull or pastel.
3. Don't double post unless you want to get in trouble. ^^


guess whos back?
1. When making recolors, make sure you recolor the outlines also.
2.the colors are too bright/dark. Please use colors that arent eye burning. If you arent good at choosing colors, then please use colors from an officials sprite.

Also, this is off topic, but please dont double post uness you are updating with new sprites. Also, the thread was only up for 12 minutes when you double posted, please be patient. Some topics dont get replies for a day or two.



Well, the people have spoken. Your recolors are like sending a Bomb-Threat letter to my eyes. Don't use such harsh colors. Also, some parts that should be the same colors you have recolored them to be different...COUGHbutterfreeCOUGH...well. I will say you HAVE the right IDEA.



Well-Known Member
hey dont harass the guy, he said it was his first.

It's not harrasment, it is called constructive criticism. Its designed to help him (guessing from username sorry if wrong) and is alot more helpful then OMG tats great do more LOL1000/10LOL111!! Oh and btw, just cos it was his/her first doesn't mean s/he couldn't go look at a tutorial.

Ok your recolours need colours on the outlines, otherwise it looks like you didn't put effort into it. Read a tutorial on the proper method to do it and don't use that colour in the background, it hurts peoples eyes. The colours of the sprites themselvs look like paint defaults in parts. Have another go and get used to the method used in the tutorials.


Shiny Catcher!
They're good. But you need to work on the combusken colours. Try to use the origanal pallette colours from the game. The tones are a lot better.


Many Flaws. 1. Colors are WAY OFF. u need them to complement eachother.
2. the outline needs to not be right next to something the same color. either make the outline a diff color or make the inside color diff. 3. Eyes should stay the same color they originally were. 4. people have already said it but save it has PNG. it makes them o so much better. i hope u can make them better.


Diagura Is The Best
Dude they are nice. (People who will quote this are ignorant) I like them because they are a unique kind and not just dull colors cause i have to look at the same colors all day and your way is awesome cause they are diffrent than everyone elses method of flaming dullness. Keep up the good work.