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Recreating Team Ingame


Well-Known Member
Jynx @ Leftovers
Trait= oblivius
124 HP / 204 Spd / 180 SAtk
Timid Nature
~ Calm Mind
~ Ice Beam
~ Lovely Kiss
~ Substitute

Snorlax @Leftovers ***boomlaxxx
Trait: Immunity
200 Hp/ 88 atk/ 188 Def/ 32 SDef
Admant nature

Breelom @Leftovers *** ShroomKing
Trait: Effect Spore
100 HP / 192 Atk / 216 Def
Impish nature
~ Leech Seed
~ Substitute
~ focus punch
~ spore

Blaziken @ Salac berry
Trait: Blaze
252 Atk / 212 Spd / 44 SAtk
Lonely Nature
~Brick Break
~Fire Blast

Gengar @ Leftovers
Trait: levitate
60 HP / 180 Spd / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature
~Fire Punch
~Giga Drain
~Ice Punch
~ Thunderbolt

Need a beller here? Blah.. something here



Well-Known Member
Gengar doesn't stop enough physical ****? =/

How does SD work with endurevers? I've never had a time to do it so I figured BB to stop bliss =/


prophecy fulfilled
sd/end/rev/blast blaziken

switch into clops wow, sd then lol at everything


Well-Known Member
I've been tryin that out on Netbattle and I can't get it to work exept one time. And BB has been of more help, so I'm not going to rebreed for that. =/
And Stan the (Super) Man came to the rescue!

Ahaha ok. Now to rate...
Devil Bottles said:
Jynx @ Leftovers
Trait= oblivius
68 HP / 204 Spd / 236 SAtk
Timid Nature
~ Calm Mind
~ Ice Beam
~ Lovely Kiss
~ Substitute

Changed the EVs a slight bit so this would make a better lead.

Snorlax @Leftovers ***boomlaxxx
Trait: Immunity
160 HP / 116 Atk / 56 Def / 176 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)


Curselax is all about durability.

Breelom @Leftovers *** ShroomKing
Trait: Effect Spore
100 HP / 192 Atk / 216 Def
Impish nature
~ Leech Seed
~ Substitute
~ focus punch
~ spore

No comment, since I have never used this guy before.

Blaziken @ Salac berry
Trait: Blaze
252 Atk / 176 Spd / 80 SAtk
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)

~Brick Break / Swords Dance
~Fire Blast

Shame that it can't get to 264 Spd w/o a +Spd nature.

Gengar @ Leftovers
Trait: levitate
60 HP / 180 Spd / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature
~Fire Punch
~Giga Drain
~Ice Punch
~ Thunderbolt

Idk about this, period. :[

Need a beller here? Blah.. something here

Physical resist would help, like Suica said. I guess Steelix would be good enough, since it resists Normal- / Flying- / Rock-type attacks while taking other physical hits with that monumental Def, and Gengar looks Fighting- / Ground-type attacks in the eye.
Comments / changes in bold.



Huge Aerodactyl weakness, and Blaziken just won’t counter it when the opponent will just switch into something that can survive a Reversal and Fire Blast.

Consider Swampert, Milotic, or Suicune as your final Pokemon.
Gengar w/ Hypnosis > Giga Drain.

because swampert will cry when you put it to sleep and start eating at it's HP with Ice Punches.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking Rhydon as my last slot?

This won't help my weaks... But Celebi? Gengar has been causing some problems.. And a beller would be nice.

F_M.. I already have TWO sleepers, which is more than enough... But three? =/

Also, unban me on digletts house. smh =[


Well-Known Member
Meq or something idk I got banned in like 2 days smh..

I think I'm going to just add Jirachi and Rhydon in the last slots in place of Gengar? :-k


Well-Known Member
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The error returned was:

Your account has been temporarily suspended. This suspension is due to end on Nov 7 2006, 07:30 PM.

But is Rhydon a good idea? :-k


Well-Known Member
This team would work a hundred times better with a Spiker.


Well-Known Member
So I put skarm on this team.. And with spikes, this does work a hundred times better =d