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Recruiting all pokemon


Has anyone on the forums ever recruited all the pokemon. There must be a couple.


Queen of the Abyss
Not me, I only have 6 pages full of pokemon, so I think that is only 25-40 out of 386 pokemon recruited.


Glitch Hunting Freak
I currently have 251 different pokemon for this "dungeon-dex" It is friggen hard to get them all!!


I'm not trying, but I already recruited all of the hard ones(ex: Celebi, Feebas). I am instead focusing on leveling up Mew, Jirachi, and Celebi. I might try to recruit all Pokemon afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I have 10 pages now, i'm trying to restrict Mew...


where can you find abrs at


Ghost Trainer
5 pages full and 5 on the 6th


Well-Known Member
I havent recruited all pokemon - not trying to - but I have simple Advice

- Friend Ribbon
- Lucario rank
- lv.100 Leader
- Leader kills pokemon
- Must have friend area {[duh]except for some legendaries}
- Must kill the pokemon face-to-face with no tile gap

That'll give you a 85% Chance of recruiting non-evolved pokemon


Well-Known Member
By the way, after you count the pages add 1 more Pokemon (which is the pokemon that is set to be the leader".

I have six full pages, plus the leader = 61.

I'm trying to recruit all 386 Pokemon...