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Recruiting question

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^

It says on the main site you can't recruit pokémon with higher levels then your leader, but I recruited a Bagon lvl 40 with my Quilava lvl 35??

Is it a glitch? It's my game Broke? or am I just lucky?

any help will be appriciated



sharingan warrior
i did that were you in wyvern hill because i recuited a lv 40 bagon with my lv 36 swampert
and you can recuit stuff higher than you leader because i got the birds and i was only lv38


sharingan warrior
well i think it is becasue i wasnt a higher lv than any of the birds and recuited all of them


ooo, what's cooking?
it's actually obvious that u can, look at it. Bagon's normal % will increase EVEN if ur lvl 5! It don matter what lvl, it's jst luck, but it's still a good idea to be a higher lvl, it'll increase ur chances very muc, hope that helps :D