x sceptile x
grass master
has any one recruted a kecleon because ive been trying to but i cant i am a lvl 95 raichu with a friend bow,if any one has recruted one wat lvl is it and how har was it for you to recruit,ty;026;
Yes i just did and by just did i mean i recruited one 5 minutes ago.
It was in mt blaze and i consider myself lucky as i only beat about 100 as a lv 94 swampert with friend when you should have to beat 1000 on average.
The keckleons are lv 90 and know ancient power, fury swipes, feint attack and substitute.
They have over 3 million exp earned and need about 60000 to lv 91.
There stats are actually quite average to when you consider how powerful they when you steal from them. They have a hp of around 150.
I cant believe i finally got probably the rarest recruit in mystery dungeon. ;123;
yeah, I've gone through that too, his ancient power takes average of 353 damage from my charizard...
i just fought about 100 hundred of them none joined me , do any of you know what dungeons you are most liekly to find them in?
Maybe Mt. Faraway.