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recruting kecleon

x sceptile x

grass master
has any one recruted a kecleon because ive been trying to but i cant i am a lvl 95 raichu with a friend bow,if any one has recruted one wat lvl is it and how har was it for you to recruit,ty;026;
Yes i just did and by just did i mean i recruited one 5 minutes ago.

It was in mt blaze and i consider myself lucky as i only beat about 100 as a lv 94 swampert with friend when you should have to beat 1000 on average.

The keckleons are lv 90 and know ancient power, fury swipes, feint attack and substitute.

They have over 3 million exp earned and need about 60000 to lv 91.

There stats are actually quite average to when you consider how powerful they when you steal from them. They have a hp of around 150.

I cant believe i finally got probably the rarest recruit in mystery dungeon. ;123;


Well-Known Member
Never recruited one yet.

Did anyone ever notice that if you die from a Kecleon because you stole that all your items turn into Plain Seeds(happened to me in Purity Forest)

If you use One Room Orb before you steal, a million Kecleon will appear near you after you steal.


World domination!
Yes i just did and by just did i mean i recruited one 5 minutes ago.

It was in mt blaze and i consider myself lucky as i only beat about 100 as a lv 94 swampert with friend when you should have to beat 1000 on average.

The keckleons are lv 90 and know ancient power, fury swipes, feint attack and substitute.

They have over 3 million exp earned and need about 60000 to lv 91.

There stats are actually quite average to when you consider how powerful they when you steal from them. They have a hp of around 150.

I cant believe i finally got probably the rarest recruit in mystery dungeon. ;123;

It's thief it attacked me and when i ice beamed it a friend bow fell on the found and i lost mine.
And yes, i recruited one. i send you a guide how to do it 2 mins ago.

Edit: Blastoise too has a recruit rate of -33,99 but he's obtainable by other means.


Drifblim landing!
Tne fully evolved Water starters and Kecleon have recruit rates of -33.9%. But Kecleons are harder because they are much stronger and they attack in large numbers.


Well-Known Member
I haven't recruited one yet. It is lvl. 90 and really hard to recruit.
One time, though, when I was in purity forest, I saw a Kecleon and decided to steal from their shop because i thought they would be level 1 also. I died first hit, he took 1 damage, and I took 254 damage!


Onions? Where??
yeah, I've gone through that too, his ancient power takes average of 353 damage from my charizard...


In Nintendo Exhile
Does it seem to anyone that Kecleon sometimes knows different attacks from its movepool everytime you fight it? Needless to say it is still more powerful. I only get pwned by it if it has Screech/fury swipes. One time, it knew Lick, Scratch, Faint Attack, and Sub, while sometimes, it might have Screech, Slash, Fury Swipes, and Ancient Power?
I still haven't gotten one, as I am usually killed by a gust of wind before I can recruit one. I will keep trying, though.


PokeMon Professor
Okay, i've killed a ton of Kecleon, but still not one has decided to join me. I don't like the recruitment rate. I'm a Lv. 91 Swampert, and I'm holding a Friend Bow. What more do I need to do?


The Sexy Kitty Cat
I pulled the impossible last night. I recruited a Kecleon one the first try (as in I killed only one Kecleon).


PokeMon Professor
Oh, rub it in why don't you? I wish I had your luck.


Well-Known Member
i just fought about 100 hundred of them none joined me , do any of you know what dungeons you are most liekly to find them in?


Better then you
i have tryed over and over again to recruit a Kecleon. No luck though. I'm still trying as I type.