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red in gold?

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breathe, spit, walk
You walk around and train Pokemon, complete your Pokedex, etc...

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
Kill yourself :D

nothing because you have beaten the game oh aren't you lucky.


Well-Known Member
Have the satisfaction of completing one of the longest Pokemon games. Just catch and train Pokemon to Lv. 100, complete your Pokedex, teach all your Pokemon the best moves, etc.


mew3 said:
dude u beat the elite 4 if u wanna challange him again...

Ohh I was wondering how to fight him again. I fought him twice and then I didn't know how to make him come back. I must have fought the Elite 4 between the 2 times I fought him.


You're Illegal
finish your pokedex, go for the battle tower, stuff like that, or restart


yes you can.....ive battled him like fifty times.....its a good way to make pokemon level up....except for pikachu...hes so weak...anywho...just baak in the glory that you beat the legendary trainer.

+Chaos Blade+

Well, that's Emerald. This is GSC. *points to above links that led to this thread*. I fought Red 42. . . 45 times already, and he's especially difficult using just-evolved Pokémon against him.

So, if you beat Red, just obtain the glory, or just start over.
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