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Regarding Charizard...

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Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
What exactly are your opinions on the orange dragon? Love it? Hate it? Somewhere in between?

I understand that there are some people that absolutely can't stand Charizard, as it is quite overrated. It's not the best Pokémon when it comes to competitive battling, either.

Personally, I really love Charizard; it's one of my favorite Pokémon. Being a huge dragon fan, I just can't help but adore it. Don't get me wrong, I know that Charizard is overrated and sucks at competitive battling. I'm not one of those people that thinks Charizard is an uberly powerful Pokémon. I know it has its flaws. But still...I just love it. It's always had a place in my heart. I don't care if it's a crappy battler.

What I'm angry about is how Charizard is popular with n00bs, and that's one of the reasons some people don't like it. If Charizard wasn't always worshipped by n00bs, maybe people wouldn't look down on it as much.

What are your opinions about it?

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Flying Tropius

I too am a great dragon fan and Charizard is a great pokemon


<-Don't wake him up!
I'm whatever about Charizard. I don't think it completely sucks. I actually think it is one of the better fire types in the game b/c it can actually get a nice stabbed physical attack(mostly b/c most fire types lack a good physical movepool, i.e. Arcanine). The popular Charizard is the Belly Drummer. I personally like Charizard with this moveset:
Dragon Dance
Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Overheat
Aerial Ace
^ If used right, it could be a decent physical sweeper with a nice stabbed AA and powered up EQ thanks to DD.
Charizard is not really that useless IMO; it makes Skarm cry at the very least LoL.
I think Charizard is okay but I like Blaziken and Typhlosion better.

Obiwan Shinobi

Belly Drum/Fire Blast/Hidden Power [Flying]/Earthqukae thats what I used back in GSC. Thats the only time i ever used Zard.


What are you talking about? Charizard doesn't have bad stats. It's one of the strongest non-legendaries. Personally, I think that it's overated and most players who aren't good always pick charmander as their starter because they think it's the best. I still say that arcanine and blaziken are better fire pokemon.

Obiwan Shinobi

Blaziken I agree, but Arcanine is inforier to Charizard in ways.

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Hukuzo said:
What are you talking about? Charizard doesn't have bad stats. It's one of the strongest non-legendaries. Personally, I think that it's overated and most players who aren't good always pick charmander as their starter because they think it's the best. I still say that arcanine and blaziken are better fire pokemon.
Charizard is not one of the best non-legendaries. Some of the truly strong non-legendaries are Pokémon like Salamence, Tyranitar, and Starmie. I don't think Charizard is totally terrible at battling; it just isn't as powerful as some others.



Charizard. Where to begin? For starters, it's mediocre/bad at battling...BUT! When it comes to Fire types, youre hard-pressed to find good ones. I do think it looks cool(then again, I <3 dragons. And reptiles in general.), although there are cooler Pokes out there. It's overpowered in the anime, which is probably part of the reason why so many n00bs love it. And its the prevalence of n00bs in the fanbase that makes me shy away from routinely listing 'zard amongst my favorites. Basically, you can describe it like this:poor battler/Interesting looks/Horrific fanbase.
It's my least favorite of all Kanto Starters, but I'm OK with it. Charizard is quite nice actually, for it can hold its own when not dealing with evil Rock attacks.

What gets on my nerves is, as said before, n00bs that overrate it and think it's some sort of demi-God that can beat everything and anything, and are too biased to realize their mistake... not to mention it's almost Pikachu-like overfeaturing. -_-

But no. I don't have a personal vendetta against Charizard. Just against its followers (The stupid ones, that is...). =/


Hugging 'til the end
I love Charizard. It is one of my favorite pokémon. Although that I know it isn't a very nice battler in competitive way. I love it because it is a very well drawn pokémon, a nice mix between the cuteness, the coolness and the toughness. Charizard is overrated, Ok, but I think that some people only hate it because there are people like: "OMG! Ash's Charizard beat Dragonite! Golem! Blastoise! It's super-powerful!!!!!1" and well, leave them alone. Charizard is a very cool pokémon, being a starter is *maybe* something that is affecting it, but, I love it. The orange dragon is one of the best pokémon there IMO (not competitively).


well, I don't really mind Charizard, though I dislike it's popularity and it's followers

BTW, Orion Master, is that supposed to be the leaf green girl mixed with Crystal?
EvilKeckleon said:
BTW, Orion Master, is that supposed to be the leaf green girl mixed with Crystal?
Nope. She's suppossed to be Whitney wearing the FR/LG Girl's clothes. I do see the resemblance, though... XD. My art sucks that much... people can't even figure what it is. :p

On topic... seems more people than I though is sick of Charizard's fanbase. =o

Eric Cartman

If you can avoid strong Rock type attacks, it's not a bad Pokemon, and Belly Zard is actually pretty good. D/P could give it more SA moves which would make it even better.


Contaminated KFC
I dislike it because its just plain boring. Its not fugly looking like a few other pokémon are, but there's really nothing special about it and its design is about as generic as it gets. And despite that, you'll literally find the thing everywhere, with people praising it for how cool looking it is, and how its one of the best pokémon ever. I guess if it looks even remotely like a dragon, its automatically cool, ne?

I also dislike the fact that its essentially become a cop-out trump card in the show, which everyone deems 'better' than the rest of the creatures the protagonists have at their disposal. And I suspect thats why so many people seem to be under the impression that its the best thing since sole'd shoes, no matter what form of media its featured in.

So in short, I dislike Charizard and its fanbase. And I'd probably still dislike Charizard, even if it didn't have a much of a fanbase.


I don't like the way it has those super fat legs and skinny arms and a round body. Its face is about the only thing I like about it.

Horn Drill

Meh, I think Charizard is okay. =/ Not too great, and he needs Thunderpunch and Tail Glow (and I don't care what the friggin' Japanese name is, he still should get it), but he's an okay UU. I wasted an Earthquake TM on him though. >_<
I don't like the fanbase or the Pokémon, really. Charizard is so generic it makes Metapod look like a masterpiece. It's OK at battling, but outclassed by a lot of other Pokémon at what it does(not much). Look at it this way: Jumpluff is probably as capable a battler as Charizard(more, really. Can Charizard destroy Blissey, Snorlax, and Suicune singlehandedly?), but is Jumpluff hero-worshipped like Charizard? Is it idolized by the weak of mind? Is it on every team of every new Competitive Battler? Well, it's certainly deserving of such a status, but sadly, it's bloody underrated.

The fanbase annoys me a lot more than the Pokémon, though. I barely have to name names, as anyone who's been here for the past month will know who I'm talking about, but certain people praise the thing endlessly, defending it from fact with their opinions. Really, how hard is it to accept that the thing is just sub-par, at best?

Granted, it is better than some other Fire Types, but because they're bad and it isn't as bad. Look at Magcargo. It's worse than Charizard(poor Magcargo, I love the little guy...), but not because Charizard is better. It's just worse. Any good Fire Type is better than Charizard, like Blaziken, Moltres(to an extent), and Arcanine(to an extent, as well). It's just that we have a bunch of useless Fire Types to put up with, like Rapidash, Ninetales, and poor Magcargo.

The 8th Champion

Obiwan Shinobi

Doesn't HP Flying OHKO Blissey after a belly Drum?

I still don't understand h how Arcanine is better. less movepool and and just a little higher stats.
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Poke Freak

Overall think it's a nice pokemon. Not the best of the best, but it's not as bad as people make it to be.

A double weakness to rock is defantly bad, but then again if I hated a pokemon just because of double weaknesses then I would be hating Heracross, Salamance, and Swampert, which I would be crazy to hate.

It's stats are pretty good, but it really does need a better special movepool, like having Thunder Punch and a couple of other special attack moves.

Yah, it's overrated all right. But with the only exceptions of Sephoroth and Shadow Lugia, which words can not describe how overrated those two are, I don't dislike something just because it's overrated.

There's also the fact that I seem to like something more if it's a first for me for something, and Charmander was my first pokemon.
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