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Regarding Fan Art

I have become very annoyed when people request things at shops in fan art requests and they do not use the art. It is wasted effort by me and everybody else who owns shops and it is very annoying.


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
People dont necessarily request it for sigs or anything like that. Theres no way of telling
bLASTOIse_MAsTer said:
I have become very annoyed when people request things at shops in fan art requests and they do not use the art. It is wasted effort by me and everybody else who owns shops and it is very annoying.
You already made a thread like this, and it got closed for a reason

Maybe we don't have space in our sigs, or we changed our minds AFTER it was made

Just make a rule in your shop that tells to make sure you're want a TC or something

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Yeah, kind of what Meganium XD was saying; if it annoys you, tell people that they have to tell you what they intend to do with the piece of art they want. Then either accept or decline. You can't force someone to use your art even though you feel bad for it going to waste. And what you're really doing in the various shops is handing out pictures with the sole request of users giving credit for the picture if they post it somewhere public. Sorry, but if you don't agree, get a mod to close your shop and stop taking requests.

However, this doesn't stop the -out of need for a better word- disrespect of your artwork from being rude and annoying. But that's the price of drawing on request. And it's really your own fault.
Magma Leader Maxie said:
Yeah, kind of what Meganium XD was saying; if it annoys you, tell people that they have to tell you what they intend to do with the piece of art they want. Then either accept or decline. You can't force someone to use your art even though you feel bad for it going to waste. And what you're really doing in the various shops is handing out pictures with the sole request of users giving credit for the picture if they post it somewhere public. Sorry, but if you don't agree, get a mod to close your shop and stop taking requests.

However, this doesn't stop the -out of need for a better word- disrespect of your artwork from being rude and annoying. But that's the price of drawing on request. And it's really your own fault.

Also too, you can just close your shop like MLM said

But if you REALLY WANT to make things for people, but get angry when they DON'T USE IT, then just use the rule idea >.<

Full Moon Wolf

Thats exatly wat happens to our shop.we have 570+ requests and anyone rarly uses our stuff

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Some people may use them on other sites you know, or maybe they use it ona sample so they can learn and do it like you, you never know