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regi iv's


i GOT em!
was sr'in for a careful natured regirock with good iv's but when i came across my sassy natured regi my resetting came to a stop! i am happy with this one.

it has
hp iv of around 28-29
att iv of around 30-31
def iv of around 20-22
sp attk of 0-2 (wich i care NOTHING about :p.. who would??)
sp deff iv of around 25-27
speed iv of around 25-27

i thought those were great iv's and sassy isn't a bad nature for regirock either since it's not gonna b faster then much anyway :p
happy with my new legendary i move on to capture a great regiice and steel!


Completing The Trio
those are some great ivs but this is the wrong section for boasting
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i GOT em!
thnx.. n where should this go? could a mod move it there 4 me