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pokemon rulez!!!!!

Awesome Dialga!
I have figured something out.I figured out that Regi is part of Regime.Does this mean maybe every next generation will give us a new Regi to make a regime?What do you think?
no no no~

reg - comes from regolith, which is part of a rock process. In fact regolith is basically boulders and stuff~
which makes sense


Well-Known Member
No, They will not give us any more Regi's ok.


Well-Known Member
Any new Regis would be unneeded... but knowing Nintendo, unneeded Pokémon seem to be running rampant lately. >_>;


the legend master

Well-Known Member
well, it would be cool, a rock/fire regi for the volcano age would be cool.........


Powerplay Champion
yeah... but for every king, there is a ruler over him,
then they made asureus.
which is why regigigas shouldn't have a namechange when it moves into English. A Giga is higher than a king.

Lolol, don't get me started on why Aruseus is the embodiment of all that is wrong in the world 8) ~
1) My logic is infallible~

2) Although Mew was never the creator, it assumed that role. Since one of the basic premises of pokemon is for them to evolve, it would be logical for all pokemon to have evolved from Mew, which would explain why there is only one left (but not why it is so powerful).

2)If there really HAD to be a god, why make it a deformed donkey that's been involved in a highly unfortunate car accident and got the wheel stuck around its belly?

3)If there really HAD to be a god, why NOT mew? It's peaceful, indifferent and wise, yet cute. That's what made it so interesting in the first place. How something was so powerful yet totally cute and not bothered at all by anything~

4) MEWTWO is the most powerful pokemon. It had the best stats - they even RAISED it stats to keep it the most powerful during the 2nd gen~
Why couldnt we have the definitive most powerful pokemon? Why keep making them more powerful?

shure, it'll be fun to play as all different flavours of aruseus, but meh. I guess I'm too conservative when it comes to poké-titles.

Anyway thats just my opinion. I'm not saying that other poeple can't use/like it. But its just a highly powered godmode pokemon that spits in the face of the pokemon with the most interesting and unknown background; mew~

on topic: Regigigas would have been a fun idea, had they not made aruseus~


the legend master

Well-Known Member
ho-oh is thetrue ruler of pokemon.