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Awesome Guy
Like the title says Regirock!
I've got a couple of questions:
1. Is (Do the damage before switching the Pokemon) suppused to be in italics?

2. Is all my wording right?

3. Have the attack names and picture been used in real cards?

And anything else you find wrong...so rate away!
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I don't think 'reduced by the amount of damage equal to the energy' works because wouldn't it be energy X 10?


Awesome Guy
Carpetted! said:
I don't think 'reduced by the amount of damage equal to the energy' works because wouldn't it be energy X 10?
Yeah you're right >_o
I can't believe I didn't catch that. Anyways, thanx!
*goes to edit*

EDIT: Alright, it says "10 times" now.
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Where's my fanfare?
Before posting another fake, I highly suggest reading this thread:
To be specific, Rule 6.

Anywho, what I can notice is the font, size, and wording :eek:

As for the illustrator, should note that it was from the official art of EX Hidden Legends (If I'm not mistaken) at the very least.


Awesome Guy
FoxMcCloud said:
Before posting another fake, I highly suggest reading this thread:
To be specific, Rule 6.
Sorry about that. Maybe I should read it next time lol.

Anywho, what I can notice is the font
The fonts I used are:
Illus: Furtura LT Medium Italic Size 7 100% Width
9 Digit ID: Futura LT Medium Regular Size 7 100% Width
Set Number: Same as ^
Name: Gil Sans Condenced Bold Size 25 100% Width
PokeBody Name: Gil Sans Condenced Bold Size 19.2 89% Width
Attack Names: Gil Sans Condenced Bold Sive 23 89% Width
Attack Damage: Same as ^
HP: Futura LT Medium Bold Size 19 100% Width
Attack/Body Descriptions: Gil Sans Regular Size 10 96% Width

As far as I know, these are all right....
Anywho, what I can notice is the...size
By this do you mean Font Size? If you do, look ^

Anywho, what I can notice is the...wording
I know the wording is off in some places, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Can I have suggestions?

As for the illustrator, should note that it was from the official art of EX Hidden Legends (If I'm not mistaken) at the very least.
I thought that for illus. you have to put the name of the actual person that drew the picture. Would just putting Illus. EX Hidden Legends be alright?
Thanx for the input!


Where's my fanfare?
What I meant by the font and size is that at a frist glance, it seems unusual that the capital letters seem almost bold. I don't know if that's just 'cause the card is on a computer screen or the size of the font combined with the font itself is doing that. That's all o.o

King Shuckle

Don't be daft
I agree with Fox. The first capital letters do look bolder, however, I THINK it's the font thats doing that. Also, italic text isn't suppose to be bold either. As for wording, i'm not a wording expert so I can't hep you there, and yes, your example used for the illus. with EX: Hidden Legends is fine since others put Pokemon Colosseum and stuff for there 3D pics. However, if as drawn by someone from a fan site, a link must be given to the art OR you must tell us who the illus. is. However, since we basically know where it came from, EX: Hidden Legends is fine.


Awesome Guy
King Shuckle said:
I agree with Fox. The first capital letters do look bolder, however, I THINK it's the font thats doing that. Also, italic text isn't suppose to be bold either. As for wording, i'm not a wording expert so I can't hep you there, and yes, your example used for the illus. with EX: Hidden Legends is fine since others put Pokemon Colosseum and stuff for there 3D pics. However, if as drawn by someone from a fan site, a link must be given to the art OR you must tell us who the illus. is. However, since we basically know where it came from, EX: Hidden Legends is fine.
I see what you mean...x_X. I think it's just cause the font is really small. And the italics look bold because of the same reason the capital letters look bold...the font's just small. Does any one know of a way to fix this? Can I get higher quality fonts somewhere? (I got mine from PPN).
And I'll go change the Illus. now.

EDIT: The Illus. is fixed
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