Summary: In a world consumed by an invisible, cruel soul-eating poison, many souls long for hapiness and freedom... The path to freedom will be a long and hard one however... and few will survive the journey...
Author's notes: Well, here comes my next fanfic!
By the way, yes, I writte too much dark stuff but well...
I hope you'll enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writting it!
Reviews are welcome, as always.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is rated "Restricted" and not just becease of violence or "acts"! This is a very dark and grim story and well, younger audiences may be shocked upon reading this story. Anyway, to those who can, enjoy this piece of dark fan fiction!
IMPORTANT NOTE #2: If you're looking for gratuitous violence or descriptions of other "things", then don't read this fic becease it isn't what you're looking for. This isn't a suicide/murder angst fest either, so don't espect that either! I'm doing my best to make this a deep, involving story and I hope you'll find it to be quite intersting. Well, that's all! Enjoy!
"This place is so beautiful! It's almost like a dream..." said a soft, caring feminine voice.
"Isn't it? It took me a long time to make that place..." replied a deep, manly voice.
"Really? You can build a castle within two days and then, it takes weeks to make a little garden?" asked the feminine voice, amused.
"Making castles is easy! They're just big pieces of metal strapped together. Making a garden require to build a harmony between all the lives I put here. Furthermore, for the beauty to rermain, a balance must be attained. It's complicated, you know!" said the deep voice.
"Well, if you say so!" said the feminine voice.
Then, I felt two pairs of eyes staring at me... altought my vision was all blurry and that I couldn't see what the two figures looked like, I never forgot the care, the love in their eyes...
"Get up you lazy animal!" yelled a harsh, mean voice that was much different from the two I had heard before.
I felt a sharp pain in my side and I awoke. I was inside of a small dark, dank room. A creature about my size was kicking me in the side with all of his strenght. I tought that each time he struck, another bone would break...
I sighed and got up, grasping the place where the creature, a human I believe, had kicked me. It hurts so much... I just don't understand why the others say that they're weak... personally, I believe that they can give pretty strong kicks!... especially when it's to awaken someone!
"At last! Now, get ready you lazy bum! As you must already know, it's Pokeball testing today! Heh! No longer will we have to keep you in that stupid room anymore. I bet you must be thrilled! Hehehehe!" the human's laugh was so horribly wrong-sounding... in fact, I hated everything about that human.
Judging from what his appearance, he was a male human in his thirties. He was somewhat thin and had short but messy black hair. His brown eyes were as dull as his clothes and personality were. I heard others call him a "Defect Trainer".
Defect Trainer? A vastly unwanted job in the human society it seems. It seems that in human society, one's rank and reputation is determined by the number of slaves, or "Pokemon" as they call them, that they own. However, only slaves that could be stuffed into what they call "Pokeballs" count. Others were sent to Defect Trainers. I happened to be what they call a "Defect".
For some reason, they were saying that my body cell structure could not be properly compressed by regular Pokeballs... altought I doubted those things really worked. Basically, how is slamming a stupid ball into my forehead is going to trap me inside of it or not?... and what's the deal with trapping people anyway?
Well... anyway... the human promptly left. Looks like it only wanted to wake me up...
"Hey! So you're going to the Lab today? Heh! Sucks to be you!" said a rather harsh and deep voice behind me.
I turned around to face a yellow mouse with a long thunderbolt-shaped tail. One of it's eyes were missing and about half of it's teeth was gone. It's fur was awfully dirty and it was covered with scars of past battles and experiments.
That rat was none other than Derlank, the second oldest slave in this place next to me. Derlank had lived for a long time and altought, according to the humans, he hardly had a year left to live, he was still more energic than most slaves around here. In fact, altought he was rather harsh and just plain of a jerk sometime, he was one of the only people I could truly call "friend".
"Yeah, they're going to bash me with more balls, how fun." I said, sarcastically.
"Heh! Well, I hope for you that it won't last nearly as long as last time! Being a Defect is bad already without having to be slammed by those dumb Pokeballs... but well, I'm happy to be a Defect rather than one of those stinkin' Pokemon!" he stated.
Instantly, a small Minun stood up, upset. "Heh! I'd figure this out! You're just an old heartless fool! I want to have a Trainer! I want to be loved!"
Both I and ol' Derlank chuckled. To be loved? Must be one of those "wild Pokemon" that comes from time to time.
Throught the fifteen years I've been in this stinky pit, I learn that there existed three main types of slaves.
The first were the naive "wild Pokemon". Those creatures are used to hearing fairy tales about how Pokemon Trainers work and play with their Pokemon, considering them like friends and allies. Of course, this was complete rubbish. Such Pokemon Trainers are never respected and either turn out into "failures" which have only six Pokemon with them at most and love them, either they turn into "actual Pokemon Trainers" and start acting like jerks, like 99% of the other humans.
The second type acted more like Derlank and he liked to call this type the "realistic Pokemon". They were those who actually knew that the humans were nothing but big time meanies and accepted it. He knew that it was not his place to oppose humanity and all that it stands for... but that didn't kept him from hating them and if the opportunity presented itself, he would escape anyday!
The third type was what Derlank called "naive fools". Basically, the "naive fools" are what the "wild Pokemon" call "human minds trapped into Pokemon bodies". In short, people that thirsted for knowledge and freedom without any limit in their desires. Derlank says that I'm one of 'em... and that it's the very reason he likes me so much. Seeing someone who can keep his sanity and optimistic view of life in such a place is enough to make him a happy Pokemon... altought all I really had was just those dreams.
"What's so funny? I want to be loved!" said the Minun, almost crying.
Derlank smiled. "Hey! You know... you're not forced to be trained by a human for that to happen! Hehehehe!"
I knew what that smile meant. I slapped him. Not strong enough to really harm him but enough to remaind him what I tought of his... activities... regarding female newcomers.
"Hey! I know that you don't like it, psy kitty but that's one of my last pleasures in life, you know! Furthermore, I'll say that this female there is quite cute indeed..." he said, his smile widening.
Instantly, an expression of disgust was placed on the Minun's face.
"Don't joke, old rat! She isn't your type, really... and anyway, considering your age, you could be her father or even her grandfather!" I stated.
Derlank frowned. He hated to be remainded of his age...
"Hey! I still got a lot of energy to spare, ya know!... and you're not very well placed either! It will be fifteen years you'll be here tonight!... and according to what the humans said about you, you were about four years old when you arrived! According to MY calculations, we're the same age!" said the ederly yellow mouse.
"I know that! But my growth process is much slower than yours. I'll still be a young when your grand children will have lost their teeth, you know!" I replied.
"I know that!... but for now..." he couldn't complete his sentance.
He jumped away from me and hid in a corner, using the shadows to hide his presence from the Defect Trainer who had returned in the room.
The Minun jumped in front of the human and smiled, happily saying the name of her specie: "Minun!"
The Defect Trainer sighed and simply kicked the annoying animal out of it's way. Instantly, the Minun begun to cry, screaming in the Pokemon language how mean this human was and how she just wanted to be loved.
I stared at the young Pokemon... it was obviously young from how beautiful it's fur was and from how there were no scars at all on any of her body parts. I pitied her... she would soon realise what it meant to be a Defect... I only hoped that she would realise someday that it is much better than to be the tool of a Pokemon Trainer... or so Derlank used to say.
"Follow me!" ordered the man.
I followed the human out of the room and into the hall. The place was dark, like all of the entire building. Sunlight was rather rare in this stupid place and the light of the lamps encased in the ceiling was kinda weak... especially considering that many of those hadn't been repaired in years. The floors were like all of the rooms; dirty, dank. I had heard from Derlank that in places they call "Pokemon Centers", humans called "Janitors" have the duty of cleaning the place. Having some "janitors" would do a lot of good to this place if you ask me... as it stands, this place never gets cleaned.
Seeing as I had nothing better to do, I looked around, noticing that I was lucky for having a room. Most of the others were stuffed in small cages which themselves were stuffed on shelves all over the place. Only some special cases such as myself, Derlank, and obviously that newcomer, had the right to have an actual room. As I looked at the Defects within the cages, despair all over their faces, I suddenly felt lucky that I got a room for myself...
"We're here! Get inside!" ordered the man, pointing at a room labelled "Laboratory".
I hated this place more than any other place... it was there that those "scientists" jerks would inject all kinds of stuff in my body, make numerous cuts and look at my inside outs, or do "Pokeball testing"... which, in truth, only constisted of them hurling a flurry of hard and painful metal spheres at my face hoping that one of them would open and suck me inside.
So, I entered the accursed place and took the time to look around.
This place was probably the only clean place in the whole building. The walls were pure white and the floor was so clean you could see your reflection in it. As I gazed down at my reflection, I understood why people said I was a freak.
Altought the scientists said that I had fur, I never felt I had any fur at all. It was more like skin if you asked me... altought the top of my head did seem to have some unseen hair...
My figure was very similar to that of a human's... in the way that I stood on my hind legs in an upright position almost permanently. In fact, unlike most of the others, I couldn't stand on my four... too painful for my hands. Speaking of hands... my hands were quite... strange. They were almost identical to that of humans exept that I was missing two fingers. As for the arms themselves, they were so skinny you could see the nerves and veins throught the skin. Derlank claimed it was becease of the lack of food... but for some reason, I felt that the lack of food wasn't to blame. My shoulders was probably the reason why most newcomers tought I was wearing armor; the skin was extending in a triangular fashion, forming armored shoulder pads. My head itself was a mix between the head of a cat and a helmet... and it was definitely not beautiful. My large ears clashed with the look of my whole head. My legs, unlike my arms, were definitely large and strong-looking. My feet were oversized and it looked like the feet of a cat... altought Derlank preffered to say that they looked like clown shoes. My tail stood out. While all of my skin or fur, whatever you think, was pink... the lower part of my belly as well as my tail was purple. This made for an interesting color scheme... and as such, many had laughed at me becease of that. The detail that I hated the most however was that strange tube that was connecting the back of my head with my back. According to what the scientists had said, this tube allow my brain to have an extra flow of blood and thus, air, during extreme situations such as during battle or training. Maybe it was useful for such moments but still, it was ugly and it caused me to get stuck sometimes...
"MEAAAAAAAAAAAARRROOOW!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt the cold steel slamming into the tip of my tail and almost crushing it.
"Geez! What a stupid creature!" said the man, opening the door, shoving the tail out of the way and then closing the door again.
The scientists, during this time, stared at me with a suspicious look... and then, the leader among them ordered me to enter the test zone within the room...
Then, as I stepped inside, I closed my eyes, knowing what was going to happen...
"Pokeball testing session will begin. We will begin by using the special new model we made using data from the Masterball and the data we obtained by analysing the subject's cell structure yesterday. Proceed."
I locked my own mind away, trying to find a way, any way, to escape the pain that was to follow... but I couldn't enter in a state of trance before the test actually begun.
Instantly, a sharp pain assaulted my senses as a purple and black Pokeball struck my nose, nearly breaking it. Then, a red and blue one was slammed right into my chest... and then, the rate at which the spheres slammed into me increased... increased... and soon, I felt as if a real storm of metal was ripping apart my body.
I felt the urge to cry for help... but it was useless. No one could help me, no one. I was trapped in a prison for Defects, away from the other humans, away from the Pokemon.
I felt as if my whole skeleton was crushed into dust and all my strenght left me. I collapsed and then, I hoped that the test would end there... and I was relieved when no other Pokeballs struck me. I hoped that they would not tie me to the wall to continue the test... They did that sometimes and personally, it was really, really bad when this happened...
A scientist entered the test area and touched my neck, seeking a pulse to see if I was still alive... and he had the confirmation that I still was.
I awaited... to see if the test was over... I hoped the pain would stop... that the test would end...
"He's still alive!" yelled the scientist to the others.
"Strap him to the wall. We're only ten percents throught." stated the leader of the scientists.
I felt the urge to cry... but I had neither the strenght or the will to do so. In the darkest corners of my mind, I suspected that those stupid humans enjoyed this display of cruelty... and as such, I had sweared never to satisfy them by giving them the pleasure of seeing my tears. Altought it had been incredibly hard... I had been able to keep the tears at bay for ten years now... altought I didn't knew how long I would last.
"Hey! You're alright?" asked Derlank, running to me and then helping me stand up after being thrown back into the room.
"Ugh..." I didn't even have the strenght to say a single word.
"Wha... What did they do to him?!?" asked the Minun, terrified by my look, obviously.
"Yeah! You're totally covered with wounds! Did they took samples or what?" the elderly rat asked.
"Po... ke... ball... Tess... ti... ing..." with much effort, I could formulate those words.
The Minun stood there, not believing this... "I cannot believe... that they could do this to anyone..."
"Oh! You better believe it!" stated Derlank. "Everyone goes throught this at least once. The stronger you are, the more often you suffer that. I go throught this once a week... but our dear friend goes throught this at least once a day!"
Minun's face became pale, learning that she would go throught this as well. "What?!? But this is... this is..."
Derlank laughed... altought his laugh wasn't sincere. "Hahahaha! Oh! Believe me, it's better than going throught what a trained Pokemon goes throught!"
The Minun was upset once again. She even seemed angered this time! "What do you know about trainers! You're a Defect, like the others! You know nothing of Pokemon Trainers! Nothing of the love they..."
Derlank's laugh, now sincere, masked the remaning of Minun's speech. "HAHAHA! GUWAHAHAHA! I didn't heard something so funny in a good while! You know, girl, I once was a so-called trained Pokemon! Before I got captured by Team Snatch, I was a normal Pikachu and you know what? I am THANKFUL that Team Snatch got me! They may have roughed me up a bit... but they undone all of the brainwashing the Pokemon Trainers did to me! They gave me back my free will! For that, I am thankful... altought they do are no better than the others!"
Minun's ears rose straight up and her eyes widened. "WHAT?!? Does this means that..."
Derlank smiled and opened his right hand. In the palm of his hand, a purple flame... "Yep! Dark Pokemon all the way!"
Minun's eyes shrunk as her heart was filled with sheer terror. She slowly backed to the wall...
"Hey! What's the big deal with the face? I still got my soul, ya know! Yep, my polarity isn't quite normal... but that does have the advantage of making me invulnerable to Pokeballs, which I like! Yep, they bombard me with those stinkin' balls during tests... but I don't mind since I have free will." said Derlank.
He slowly approached Minun, smiling. "Believe me, you're here for a reason! I bet that you must be a mutant, a genetically engineered Pokemon gone wrong, or a Dark Pokemon like me! So... what are you?"
Minun pointed to me. "And him... why is he here?" she asked, avoiding the question.
"Oh, him? He's really, really mysterious and strange... and mysterious... and strange... and really mysterious at that! Also, very strange at that! and mysterious! and strange!" he said, grinning.
"Very funny!" said sarcastically Minun. "Just tell me why he's here."
I closed my eyes... I didn't really knew myself but I knew one of the reasons why... "I'm immune to Pokeballs and I have psychic powers." I said.
"And so what?" asked the female. "There's many psychic Pokemon around, you know!"
"That's becease you didn't seen my dear psy kitty in action, fair lady!" replied the old rat, smiling. "I seen him take down Pokemon four times his size with a single psychic blast! With enough pratice and some training, he could become worthy of being an Elite Four Pokemon, I tell you!"
Minun smiled. She doubted this! "Pah! If this kitty can beat up an Umbreon or a Houndoom, then I'll accept your "offer", mister cyclop!"
Derlank didn't found this funny at all. "Hey! It's not becease that accursed Scyzor extracted my right eye that I'm a cyclop!... and I can still see very well!"
Minun giggled. "Yeah right!"
I sat down and stared at the small Minun. She was young, innocent, full of energy... for one second, I envied her. She had no worries... she knew nothing of real pain.
I turned around, staring at the sole window in the room, from which a faint ray of sunlight came out... This was the only place where I had ever seen sunlight... from throught the window. I had tried to break the window many times but the three bars were made of a substance which was not affected by any of my powers. Derlank, him, had tried too... not to avail. The only thing we had obtained from our attempts were kicks from the Defect Trainer. Still, Derlank talks, sometimes, about the outside world being all green with large blue oceans, beautiful white cities, and with tons of healthy Pokemon and non-Pokemon Trainer humans walking around. He used to say that unlike Pokemon Trainers, normal humans cared for Pokemon. In fact, he used to say that he hoped to find out what was causing the humans to turn out so cruel when they become Pokemon Trainers... but since he was now quite old, it seemed like he would never find out...
Unlike him, I had never gone out of the building... or more exactely, I was captured too young to remember anything clearly. All I had from the outside world was mere dreams... and those dreams were my most precious possessions. I would have never survived without them... never. I would have never been able to keep my sanity without the feeling that sometime in the past, someone had loved me and maybe still does...
"Pah! Dreams rarely come true if at all!... but well, between being a depressed fool who can't see any good and a depressed fool who can still see some good in the world, I prefer the later case so... do me a favor and stick to your dreams!" Derlank used to repeat me that.
When I think of it, Derlank was quite a bit more than a friend... he was more like a brother or even a father. He had teached me everything about this place and explained me why many of those things happened... and he wasn't afraid of admitting that he didn't knew everything. He knew that it was not his place to carry the entire world on his shoulders when he could barely keep his own mind in check.
I turned to Derlank and then tought of something... "Hey."
"What is it, kitty?" he asked.
"Do you think it would be possible to escape?" I asked.
Derlank smiled. "Escape? What kind of idea is that? Well... in the main arena, there is a ventilation vent which a small Pokemon could be able to use to access the control room and using the computer inside would be our most probable escape route but well, there are a lot of fans inside of that ventilation vent which would cut wide open anyone who got inside and anyway... I'm too large to fit in and you... well, considering you're several times my size, I won't even think about it."
I turned to Minun and smiled. "What?" she asked.
"Oh? Her? Well, she's the right size... but she doesn't look too bright. It's not like she can read and then use the computer in the control room to unlock the doors and deactivate the security systems! Believe me... I wouldn't give myself false hopes." he stated.
I smiled. She probably didn't knew but... he knew. "Well... maybe you could teach her?" I said.
Derlank raised an eyebrow. "Well, that would take time... and where will you find the materials to writte on..." he couldn't finish that I raised my right hand.
Instantly, letters formed in the air, in front of the old rat. Minun's eyes widened... "Wow! That's... amazing!" she said.
Derlank chuckled. "Well! Since you seem so determined... but it won't be easy! Learning a language takes lots of time... probably a little more than what's left for me to live!... but well, I think I can do this. There's still the problem of the fans in the ventilation vent..."
I smiled again. "I will use my powers to stop them, don't worry. She won't get hurt."
The elderly Pikachu begun to think... and then, he figured out that this was the first possible plan they had in years. Yes... maybe this could work.
"Alright... I'll probably regret this but well..." begun the Pikachu.
Minun walked to Derlank and sat in front of him.
"OK... listen carefully..." begun Derlank as I used my powers to create stuff which Derlank would use in his lessons.
Thus, we begun our new evasion plan...
I stared at the window, our only source of sunlight... I began to try and imagine what the outside world must look like...
Author's notes: Well, here comes my next fanfic!
By the way, yes, I writte too much dark stuff but well...
I hope you'll enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writting it!
Reviews are welcome, as always.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is rated "Restricted" and not just becease of violence or "acts"! This is a very dark and grim story and well, younger audiences may be shocked upon reading this story. Anyway, to those who can, enjoy this piece of dark fan fiction!
IMPORTANT NOTE #2: If you're looking for gratuitous violence or descriptions of other "things", then don't read this fic becease it isn't what you're looking for. This isn't a suicide/murder angst fest either, so don't espect that either! I'm doing my best to make this a deep, involving story and I hope you'll find it to be quite intersting. Well, that's all! Enjoy!
"This place is so beautiful! It's almost like a dream..." said a soft, caring feminine voice.
"Isn't it? It took me a long time to make that place..." replied a deep, manly voice.
"Really? You can build a castle within two days and then, it takes weeks to make a little garden?" asked the feminine voice, amused.
"Making castles is easy! They're just big pieces of metal strapped together. Making a garden require to build a harmony between all the lives I put here. Furthermore, for the beauty to rermain, a balance must be attained. It's complicated, you know!" said the deep voice.
"Well, if you say so!" said the feminine voice.
Then, I felt two pairs of eyes staring at me... altought my vision was all blurry and that I couldn't see what the two figures looked like, I never forgot the care, the love in their eyes...
"Get up you lazy animal!" yelled a harsh, mean voice that was much different from the two I had heard before.
I felt a sharp pain in my side and I awoke. I was inside of a small dark, dank room. A creature about my size was kicking me in the side with all of his strenght. I tought that each time he struck, another bone would break...
I sighed and got up, grasping the place where the creature, a human I believe, had kicked me. It hurts so much... I just don't understand why the others say that they're weak... personally, I believe that they can give pretty strong kicks!... especially when it's to awaken someone!
"At last! Now, get ready you lazy bum! As you must already know, it's Pokeball testing today! Heh! No longer will we have to keep you in that stupid room anymore. I bet you must be thrilled! Hehehehe!" the human's laugh was so horribly wrong-sounding... in fact, I hated everything about that human.
Judging from what his appearance, he was a male human in his thirties. He was somewhat thin and had short but messy black hair. His brown eyes were as dull as his clothes and personality were. I heard others call him a "Defect Trainer".
Defect Trainer? A vastly unwanted job in the human society it seems. It seems that in human society, one's rank and reputation is determined by the number of slaves, or "Pokemon" as they call them, that they own. However, only slaves that could be stuffed into what they call "Pokeballs" count. Others were sent to Defect Trainers. I happened to be what they call a "Defect".
For some reason, they were saying that my body cell structure could not be properly compressed by regular Pokeballs... altought I doubted those things really worked. Basically, how is slamming a stupid ball into my forehead is going to trap me inside of it or not?... and what's the deal with trapping people anyway?
Well... anyway... the human promptly left. Looks like it only wanted to wake me up...
"Hey! So you're going to the Lab today? Heh! Sucks to be you!" said a rather harsh and deep voice behind me.
I turned around to face a yellow mouse with a long thunderbolt-shaped tail. One of it's eyes were missing and about half of it's teeth was gone. It's fur was awfully dirty and it was covered with scars of past battles and experiments.
That rat was none other than Derlank, the second oldest slave in this place next to me. Derlank had lived for a long time and altought, according to the humans, he hardly had a year left to live, he was still more energic than most slaves around here. In fact, altought he was rather harsh and just plain of a jerk sometime, he was one of the only people I could truly call "friend".
"Yeah, they're going to bash me with more balls, how fun." I said, sarcastically.
"Heh! Well, I hope for you that it won't last nearly as long as last time! Being a Defect is bad already without having to be slammed by those dumb Pokeballs... but well, I'm happy to be a Defect rather than one of those stinkin' Pokemon!" he stated.
Instantly, a small Minun stood up, upset. "Heh! I'd figure this out! You're just an old heartless fool! I want to have a Trainer! I want to be loved!"
Both I and ol' Derlank chuckled. To be loved? Must be one of those "wild Pokemon" that comes from time to time.
Throught the fifteen years I've been in this stinky pit, I learn that there existed three main types of slaves.
The first were the naive "wild Pokemon". Those creatures are used to hearing fairy tales about how Pokemon Trainers work and play with their Pokemon, considering them like friends and allies. Of course, this was complete rubbish. Such Pokemon Trainers are never respected and either turn out into "failures" which have only six Pokemon with them at most and love them, either they turn into "actual Pokemon Trainers" and start acting like jerks, like 99% of the other humans.
The second type acted more like Derlank and he liked to call this type the "realistic Pokemon". They were those who actually knew that the humans were nothing but big time meanies and accepted it. He knew that it was not his place to oppose humanity and all that it stands for... but that didn't kept him from hating them and if the opportunity presented itself, he would escape anyday!
The third type was what Derlank called "naive fools". Basically, the "naive fools" are what the "wild Pokemon" call "human minds trapped into Pokemon bodies". In short, people that thirsted for knowledge and freedom without any limit in their desires. Derlank says that I'm one of 'em... and that it's the very reason he likes me so much. Seeing someone who can keep his sanity and optimistic view of life in such a place is enough to make him a happy Pokemon... altought all I really had was just those dreams.
"What's so funny? I want to be loved!" said the Minun, almost crying.
Derlank smiled. "Hey! You know... you're not forced to be trained by a human for that to happen! Hehehehe!"
I knew what that smile meant. I slapped him. Not strong enough to really harm him but enough to remaind him what I tought of his... activities... regarding female newcomers.
"Hey! I know that you don't like it, psy kitty but that's one of my last pleasures in life, you know! Furthermore, I'll say that this female there is quite cute indeed..." he said, his smile widening.
Instantly, an expression of disgust was placed on the Minun's face.
"Don't joke, old rat! She isn't your type, really... and anyway, considering your age, you could be her father or even her grandfather!" I stated.
Derlank frowned. He hated to be remainded of his age...
"Hey! I still got a lot of energy to spare, ya know!... and you're not very well placed either! It will be fifteen years you'll be here tonight!... and according to what the humans said about you, you were about four years old when you arrived! According to MY calculations, we're the same age!" said the ederly yellow mouse.
"I know that! But my growth process is much slower than yours. I'll still be a young when your grand children will have lost their teeth, you know!" I replied.
"I know that!... but for now..." he couldn't complete his sentance.
He jumped away from me and hid in a corner, using the shadows to hide his presence from the Defect Trainer who had returned in the room.
The Minun jumped in front of the human and smiled, happily saying the name of her specie: "Minun!"
The Defect Trainer sighed and simply kicked the annoying animal out of it's way. Instantly, the Minun begun to cry, screaming in the Pokemon language how mean this human was and how she just wanted to be loved.
I stared at the young Pokemon... it was obviously young from how beautiful it's fur was and from how there were no scars at all on any of her body parts. I pitied her... she would soon realise what it meant to be a Defect... I only hoped that she would realise someday that it is much better than to be the tool of a Pokemon Trainer... or so Derlank used to say.
"Follow me!" ordered the man.
I followed the human out of the room and into the hall. The place was dark, like all of the entire building. Sunlight was rather rare in this stupid place and the light of the lamps encased in the ceiling was kinda weak... especially considering that many of those hadn't been repaired in years. The floors were like all of the rooms; dirty, dank. I had heard from Derlank that in places they call "Pokemon Centers", humans called "Janitors" have the duty of cleaning the place. Having some "janitors" would do a lot of good to this place if you ask me... as it stands, this place never gets cleaned.
Seeing as I had nothing better to do, I looked around, noticing that I was lucky for having a room. Most of the others were stuffed in small cages which themselves were stuffed on shelves all over the place. Only some special cases such as myself, Derlank, and obviously that newcomer, had the right to have an actual room. As I looked at the Defects within the cages, despair all over their faces, I suddenly felt lucky that I got a room for myself...
"We're here! Get inside!" ordered the man, pointing at a room labelled "Laboratory".
I hated this place more than any other place... it was there that those "scientists" jerks would inject all kinds of stuff in my body, make numerous cuts and look at my inside outs, or do "Pokeball testing"... which, in truth, only constisted of them hurling a flurry of hard and painful metal spheres at my face hoping that one of them would open and suck me inside.
So, I entered the accursed place and took the time to look around.
This place was probably the only clean place in the whole building. The walls were pure white and the floor was so clean you could see your reflection in it. As I gazed down at my reflection, I understood why people said I was a freak.
Altought the scientists said that I had fur, I never felt I had any fur at all. It was more like skin if you asked me... altought the top of my head did seem to have some unseen hair...
My figure was very similar to that of a human's... in the way that I stood on my hind legs in an upright position almost permanently. In fact, unlike most of the others, I couldn't stand on my four... too painful for my hands. Speaking of hands... my hands were quite... strange. They were almost identical to that of humans exept that I was missing two fingers. As for the arms themselves, they were so skinny you could see the nerves and veins throught the skin. Derlank claimed it was becease of the lack of food... but for some reason, I felt that the lack of food wasn't to blame. My shoulders was probably the reason why most newcomers tought I was wearing armor; the skin was extending in a triangular fashion, forming armored shoulder pads. My head itself was a mix between the head of a cat and a helmet... and it was definitely not beautiful. My large ears clashed with the look of my whole head. My legs, unlike my arms, were definitely large and strong-looking. My feet were oversized and it looked like the feet of a cat... altought Derlank preffered to say that they looked like clown shoes. My tail stood out. While all of my skin or fur, whatever you think, was pink... the lower part of my belly as well as my tail was purple. This made for an interesting color scheme... and as such, many had laughed at me becease of that. The detail that I hated the most however was that strange tube that was connecting the back of my head with my back. According to what the scientists had said, this tube allow my brain to have an extra flow of blood and thus, air, during extreme situations such as during battle or training. Maybe it was useful for such moments but still, it was ugly and it caused me to get stuck sometimes...
"MEAAAAAAAAAAAARRROOOW!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt the cold steel slamming into the tip of my tail and almost crushing it.
"Geez! What a stupid creature!" said the man, opening the door, shoving the tail out of the way and then closing the door again.
The scientists, during this time, stared at me with a suspicious look... and then, the leader among them ordered me to enter the test zone within the room...
Then, as I stepped inside, I closed my eyes, knowing what was going to happen...
"Pokeball testing session will begin. We will begin by using the special new model we made using data from the Masterball and the data we obtained by analysing the subject's cell structure yesterday. Proceed."
I locked my own mind away, trying to find a way, any way, to escape the pain that was to follow... but I couldn't enter in a state of trance before the test actually begun.
Instantly, a sharp pain assaulted my senses as a purple and black Pokeball struck my nose, nearly breaking it. Then, a red and blue one was slammed right into my chest... and then, the rate at which the spheres slammed into me increased... increased... and soon, I felt as if a real storm of metal was ripping apart my body.
I felt the urge to cry for help... but it was useless. No one could help me, no one. I was trapped in a prison for Defects, away from the other humans, away from the Pokemon.
I felt as if my whole skeleton was crushed into dust and all my strenght left me. I collapsed and then, I hoped that the test would end there... and I was relieved when no other Pokeballs struck me. I hoped that they would not tie me to the wall to continue the test... They did that sometimes and personally, it was really, really bad when this happened...
A scientist entered the test area and touched my neck, seeking a pulse to see if I was still alive... and he had the confirmation that I still was.
I awaited... to see if the test was over... I hoped the pain would stop... that the test would end...
"He's still alive!" yelled the scientist to the others.
"Strap him to the wall. We're only ten percents throught." stated the leader of the scientists.
I felt the urge to cry... but I had neither the strenght or the will to do so. In the darkest corners of my mind, I suspected that those stupid humans enjoyed this display of cruelty... and as such, I had sweared never to satisfy them by giving them the pleasure of seeing my tears. Altought it had been incredibly hard... I had been able to keep the tears at bay for ten years now... altought I didn't knew how long I would last.
"Hey! You're alright?" asked Derlank, running to me and then helping me stand up after being thrown back into the room.
"Ugh..." I didn't even have the strenght to say a single word.
"Wha... What did they do to him?!?" asked the Minun, terrified by my look, obviously.
"Yeah! You're totally covered with wounds! Did they took samples or what?" the elderly rat asked.
"Po... ke... ball... Tess... ti... ing..." with much effort, I could formulate those words.
The Minun stood there, not believing this... "I cannot believe... that they could do this to anyone..."
"Oh! You better believe it!" stated Derlank. "Everyone goes throught this at least once. The stronger you are, the more often you suffer that. I go throught this once a week... but our dear friend goes throught this at least once a day!"
Minun's face became pale, learning that she would go throught this as well. "What?!? But this is... this is..."
Derlank laughed... altought his laugh wasn't sincere. "Hahahaha! Oh! Believe me, it's better than going throught what a trained Pokemon goes throught!"
The Minun was upset once again. She even seemed angered this time! "What do you know about trainers! You're a Defect, like the others! You know nothing of Pokemon Trainers! Nothing of the love they..."
Derlank's laugh, now sincere, masked the remaning of Minun's speech. "HAHAHA! GUWAHAHAHA! I didn't heard something so funny in a good while! You know, girl, I once was a so-called trained Pokemon! Before I got captured by Team Snatch, I was a normal Pikachu and you know what? I am THANKFUL that Team Snatch got me! They may have roughed me up a bit... but they undone all of the brainwashing the Pokemon Trainers did to me! They gave me back my free will! For that, I am thankful... altought they do are no better than the others!"
Minun's ears rose straight up and her eyes widened. "WHAT?!? Does this means that..."
Derlank smiled and opened his right hand. In the palm of his hand, a purple flame... "Yep! Dark Pokemon all the way!"
Minun's eyes shrunk as her heart was filled with sheer terror. She slowly backed to the wall...
"Hey! What's the big deal with the face? I still got my soul, ya know! Yep, my polarity isn't quite normal... but that does have the advantage of making me invulnerable to Pokeballs, which I like! Yep, they bombard me with those stinkin' balls during tests... but I don't mind since I have free will." said Derlank.
He slowly approached Minun, smiling. "Believe me, you're here for a reason! I bet that you must be a mutant, a genetically engineered Pokemon gone wrong, or a Dark Pokemon like me! So... what are you?"
Minun pointed to me. "And him... why is he here?" she asked, avoiding the question.
"Oh, him? He's really, really mysterious and strange... and mysterious... and strange... and really mysterious at that! Also, very strange at that! and mysterious! and strange!" he said, grinning.
"Very funny!" said sarcastically Minun. "Just tell me why he's here."
I closed my eyes... I didn't really knew myself but I knew one of the reasons why... "I'm immune to Pokeballs and I have psychic powers." I said.
"And so what?" asked the female. "There's many psychic Pokemon around, you know!"
"That's becease you didn't seen my dear psy kitty in action, fair lady!" replied the old rat, smiling. "I seen him take down Pokemon four times his size with a single psychic blast! With enough pratice and some training, he could become worthy of being an Elite Four Pokemon, I tell you!"
Minun smiled. She doubted this! "Pah! If this kitty can beat up an Umbreon or a Houndoom, then I'll accept your "offer", mister cyclop!"
Derlank didn't found this funny at all. "Hey! It's not becease that accursed Scyzor extracted my right eye that I'm a cyclop!... and I can still see very well!"
Minun giggled. "Yeah right!"
I sat down and stared at the small Minun. She was young, innocent, full of energy... for one second, I envied her. She had no worries... she knew nothing of real pain.
I turned around, staring at the sole window in the room, from which a faint ray of sunlight came out... This was the only place where I had ever seen sunlight... from throught the window. I had tried to break the window many times but the three bars were made of a substance which was not affected by any of my powers. Derlank, him, had tried too... not to avail. The only thing we had obtained from our attempts were kicks from the Defect Trainer. Still, Derlank talks, sometimes, about the outside world being all green with large blue oceans, beautiful white cities, and with tons of healthy Pokemon and non-Pokemon Trainer humans walking around. He used to say that unlike Pokemon Trainers, normal humans cared for Pokemon. In fact, he used to say that he hoped to find out what was causing the humans to turn out so cruel when they become Pokemon Trainers... but since he was now quite old, it seemed like he would never find out...
Unlike him, I had never gone out of the building... or more exactely, I was captured too young to remember anything clearly. All I had from the outside world was mere dreams... and those dreams were my most precious possessions. I would have never survived without them... never. I would have never been able to keep my sanity without the feeling that sometime in the past, someone had loved me and maybe still does...
"Pah! Dreams rarely come true if at all!... but well, between being a depressed fool who can't see any good and a depressed fool who can still see some good in the world, I prefer the later case so... do me a favor and stick to your dreams!" Derlank used to repeat me that.
When I think of it, Derlank was quite a bit more than a friend... he was more like a brother or even a father. He had teached me everything about this place and explained me why many of those things happened... and he wasn't afraid of admitting that he didn't knew everything. He knew that it was not his place to carry the entire world on his shoulders when he could barely keep his own mind in check.
I turned to Derlank and then tought of something... "Hey."
"What is it, kitty?" he asked.
"Do you think it would be possible to escape?" I asked.
Derlank smiled. "Escape? What kind of idea is that? Well... in the main arena, there is a ventilation vent which a small Pokemon could be able to use to access the control room and using the computer inside would be our most probable escape route but well, there are a lot of fans inside of that ventilation vent which would cut wide open anyone who got inside and anyway... I'm too large to fit in and you... well, considering you're several times my size, I won't even think about it."
I turned to Minun and smiled. "What?" she asked.
"Oh? Her? Well, she's the right size... but she doesn't look too bright. It's not like she can read and then use the computer in the control room to unlock the doors and deactivate the security systems! Believe me... I wouldn't give myself false hopes." he stated.
I smiled. She probably didn't knew but... he knew. "Well... maybe you could teach her?" I said.
Derlank raised an eyebrow. "Well, that would take time... and where will you find the materials to writte on..." he couldn't finish that I raised my right hand.
Instantly, letters formed in the air, in front of the old rat. Minun's eyes widened... "Wow! That's... amazing!" she said.
Derlank chuckled. "Well! Since you seem so determined... but it won't be easy! Learning a language takes lots of time... probably a little more than what's left for me to live!... but well, I think I can do this. There's still the problem of the fans in the ventilation vent..."
I smiled again. "I will use my powers to stop them, don't worry. She won't get hurt."
The elderly Pikachu begun to think... and then, he figured out that this was the first possible plan they had in years. Yes... maybe this could work.
"Alright... I'll probably regret this but well..." begun the Pikachu.
Minun walked to Derlank and sat in front of him.
"OK... listen carefully..." begun Derlank as I used my powers to create stuff which Derlank would use in his lessons.
Thus, we begun our new evasion plan...
I stared at the window, our only source of sunlight... I began to try and imagine what the outside world must look like...
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