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Rename the Member Above You

Ascended Dialga

Well-Known Member


I have a boyfriend now; I am his princess❤️

AwesomeBAAshipper (lol, baaaaaa...:3 wike a wittle sheepy >w<;; makes me wanna look up a sheep image and blingee it. I JUST MIGHT DO THAT NOW)

Ascended Dialga

Well-Known Member

Janice Quatlane

helloooo ladies

(I saw your tagline and thought of that challenge from RDR called "Death becomes her" also dragalge has drag in it lmao it fits whatever)


I have a boyfriend now; I am his princess❤️
SomeoneWithSigTagsIMayWannaUse o.o

Well, i'm not full lesbian, but my only actual crush right now IS a FEmale character >.<;;; :)

Ascended Dialga

Well-Known Member


I have a boyfriend now; I am his princess❤️
SomoneIWantedToNameATaillowAfter :p

(i was playing pokemon ruby version on my computer earlier today :3)

Ascended Dialga

Well-Known Member
D'aww :D

SomeoneWhoLovesMeEnoughToNameATaillowAfterMe :3


I have a boyfriend now; I am his princess❤️

You're welcome :3

I plan on using a lot of fighting types on my team, like korrina would :3