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Renegade's Mono fire Gold squad

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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
My gold team, or planned, haven't played it that much, anyways- and btw, the attacks they have, they really do. As I did this for fun, and sort of 'cheated' for the attacks.

Ice Beam
Thunder Punch

Extreme Speed
Double Edge
Hydro Pump
Faint Attack

Ice Beam
Shadow Ball

Sludge Bomb
Sacred Fire


Thunder Punch

Now, before you all get hopping mad, call me a noob, whatever you want. One; this is ingame. Two; this is for fun. Three; it's a game. Four; Sacred Fire-Houndoom pwns, and five; it's a game. If you can't laugh or have fun in a game or building a team, why the **** should you play.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Cubonefan said:
no one will rate a sharked team. there should be a rule about this

GSC Militia

Oh, but if I did a normal mono fire team I'd get it rated? Oooh. Though it'd most likely be 'you're weak to water/evolve the quilava/get rid of the ninetales/blahblahblah', there's nothing different between my team or anyothers, save the moves. If you're not gonna rate my team/comment about it, why post?


Rising Trainer
ofcourse we would have said your weak to water, your weak to water even with a sharked team

other than Arcanine, your weak to rock and ground aswell

i only posted, cause people would be stupid to rate a sharked team, as you have put no effort in building a team. it isnt hard to type in a couple codes, and have the pokemon there ready for you

i real trainer, could use the team the right way, and not cheat to get a team that will still lose to water/ground/rock.

but if you want a rate, here i go

Ice Beam
Thunder Punch
Even with Thunder Punch, most water will laugh at you. maybe Magikarp will go down, but others like Suicune, Vaporeon, Starmie, Slowbro and even Gyrados will knock you out. Areoblast has no real purpose. Ice Beam wnt effect rocks or grounds. thrower will kill grass and bugs.

Extreme Speed
Double Edge
Hydro Pump
Faint Attack
Even with its speed, Pumps accuracy wont kill anything, as theres such a thing as Protect/Detect, and any special move will knock arcanine out. Double Edge is also a killer, even if you pull it off, your going to lose that much HP, the next move will kill him off. Faint Attack for what????

Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam and Thrower serve the same purpose, takingt out grass types. Zard isnt a special sweeper. its a physical attacker, which is why swords dance/drumzard are so popular. Shadow Ball and Crunch serve no real purpose except to kill Zam

Sludge Bomb
Sacred Fire
2 fire attacks??? Standard Doom (Sunny Day/Solar Beam/Fire Blast/Crunch) would have worked better. Bubble Beam isnt that strong and a Stabbed EQ from Golem/Rhydon/Sandslash will kill you. Sacred fire isnt as good as you think it is. a fast special sweeper will take you out before you can hit it. Dynamic Punch isnt your friend. Poliwrath has a major advantage over Doom. Sludge Bomb makes no sence other than the occasional poisoning

Once again, Golem/Rhydon/TTar/Starmie/Sandslash all hit a STABBED moves, and Ninetail will never last, whether it e physical or special

Thunder Punch
Whats the point in un-evolved Quilava???? Pretty close to the standard, but not fast enough to out run anything. Jolteon will beat you with HP Water, as will Magneton (even part steel could be this team) sinces rain dance will be in effect the whole battle

theres my rate on the team

Not only are you weak to water, rock and ground arent your friend. most ice types carry surf, electrics with HP Water arent your friends. Poliwrath will kill Doom

Ingame or Competitive, this is just a sad excuse for a poor trainer. Most will not even battle you if they saw this team

i have tip for you

go out, become a decent trainer, stop sharking movesets. terach pokemon natural moves or TMs, learn how to cover all weaknesses, then come back, and i will rate your team

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Wow, Dan and Shadw were right. Show off one sharked team for fun and they said the milita on here will think you're a noob. Even though I repeated it's Ingame, I said it's for fun, I don't fight other people here because I'm the only one in my nieghborhood that plays pokemon. You automatically assume I make sharked teams, and you have no idea wtf a mono challenge is, and before this I have made a dozen teams for gold alone. And ingame it doesn't matter what level your pokes are, or sharked moves or not, you could own the game with a Hoothoot if it was high enough in level, most likely.

So you call me a poor trainer for a team I said was made for Fun, so trying to have fun with a game is bad? Where is the logic there?

-_- maybe you all should learn what fun means and stop acting like building a team means you can not have any originality, fun, anything at all but standard standard standard.


Rising Trainer
Fun teams dont mean sharked moves

Fun team means you are using unusual pokemon

i myself have dabbled in sharking, my emerald team is fully sharked, but because of the fact that it is sharked, i would never post it to be rated, for a few reasons

1: Sharking is illigal
2: People dont like sharked teams, as it takes no effort
3: you cant rate a team thats sharked, cause youve put these moves on the pokemon and wont want to change it

theres more, but i cant be bothered

im not against sharking, and i appaulagize for calling you a poor trainer, im sure your very good, but your not prooving that to anyone by posting a sharked team

I understand it ingame, and anything can work, and that it is a fun thing to do, but it just shouldnt be rated IMO

the purpose of "Rate My Team" is to rate a team that you worked hard for, and sharking isnt hard to do

thats it. over it. i said my piece. others can rate your team if they wish

i just think you should change the title to Sharked team, just so people know what they are rating

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
So because my idea of fun and your idea of fun is different, you bash me and claim I'm a noob, and want me to conform to your rules of what fun is and isn't?

You know, maybe this is why you are not modded in this section, and you just show off the reasons why not many people like RMTers or doing RMT threads. Because it was a person like you, and another that started a flame war in an old RMT thread of mine, because each had a different MS for a pokemon on my team.

You take the game too seriously, I was doing a fun team because I've played it through nearly 50 times. There was nothing else to do but maybe give different moves to the pokemon. And it is fun because it got a laugh from me and my friends irc-wise, over that I did. Thankyou for turning my RMT thread into another thread like that. And same goes for my RBY rmt thread too -.- and for proving not many people in RMT ever take the game as it is anymore.

Something to have fun with. Not flame over.

Edit: Now I will have an Smod close this as my point was proven yet again.


Rising Trainer
i never said you were a noob, and im not against sharking, if you would have read my last post, you would have seen it

but sharked teams do not belong in the rate my team section

thats my opinion on the subject.
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