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Rentals Are BACK!!

Aquapolis V

Beginning Trainer
Hey Everyone, havent Posted for a while. Im From Australia.

Anyway, Who Loves the News that Rental Pokemon are Back? I Do.
Do you Think They'll Have Every Single Pokemon or Just a Handful that you can Find in DP? Discuss & Speculate.

Aquapolis V



They probably wont have Pokémon like Mewtwo, Ho-oh, Lugia, ya know, certain Legendaries. The news about being able to register teams has me excited. I won't be using Rentals.


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone, havent Posted for a while. Im From Australia.

Anyway, Who Loves the News that Rental Pokemon are Back? I Do.
Do you Think They'll Have Every Single Pokemon or Just a Handful that you can Find in DP? Discuss & Speculate.

Aquapolis V

pry all cept a few legendaries just like in the stadium games


Why not?
Rentals add strategy since you are not as familiar with them compared to your own Pokemon.

Aquapolis V

Beginning Trainer
I guess I Like It Because when I battle friends; I Usually don't have a Variety of Pokemon On Hand in the Games that are all of the same level & Stuff, & that's what really bugged me about Colleseum, that you couldn't just have a battle & Choose a From Variety of Rental Pokemon. So Glad theyre Back.

Aquapolis V

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
I love Rentals! I used to make my brothers adventures, like they chose their starter, then fought a single pokemon, if they defested it they could choose to catch it or not, and stuff, I had gyms, tournaments (like a Fighting Tournament) and etc... I love these guys are back! I don't mind no rental legendaries rule, they supposedly couldn't catch legendaries on the "adventures" I made up :D


Nothing to be done
This announcement makes me happy as no other for this game has. Rental Pokemon allow you to casually and quickly battle with a friend or two, ensure a way to battle on equal footing (sans the level differences of the main games), and incorporate the strategy of on-the-fly team building and working around sub-par movesets. There's just something enjoyable about being able to try out nearly every Pokemon, as well.

Pokemon Tamer24

Well-Known Member
I love Rentals! I used to make my brothers adventures, like they chose their starter, then fought a single pokemon, if they defested it they could choose to catch it or not, and stuff, I had gyms, tournaments (like a Fighting Tournament) and etc... I love these guys are back! I don't mind no rental legendaries rule, they supposedly couldn't catch legendaries on the "adventures" I made up :D

lol thats exactly what i used to do it was soooo fun:)
I hope by doing a certain thing you can unlock event rental Pokemon for PBR which you can also transfer to D/P, just like how you got Celebi and stuff at the Gym Leader Castle though you could not send them to the GB games..


Thank Goodness, rentals are back! Now I can REALLY call this a Stadium-type game.

I hope by doing a certain thing you can unlock event rental Pokemon for PBR which you can also transfer to D/P, just like how you got Celebi and stuff at the Gym Leader Castle though you could not send them to the GB games..
Well that rental Celebi sucked, but for most people it was the only way to legitimately use a Celebi. I doubt unlocking anything will allow us to get pokemon like Sheimi or Darkrai (there's the glitch for that). Maybe an event pokemon should be a download for the winner of an official online tournament via WiFi or something... D:
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The Lost Mareep
I never had an N64 so I only played Stadium with friends a few times, so how does the rental system work?


Rentals were provided at any moment you chose to commence battle. If you didn't have a game, you had rental pokemon to cover for that. You could choose from most of all the pokemon excluding some major legendaries like Mewtwo, Ho-Oh and Lugia (you could unlock Mew and Celebi), but the drawback is that most of the fully-evolved pokemon have terrible movesets. Best rental pokemon was Wobuffett. :D

(I guess the reason why Colo/XD didn't have rentals was because you could already catch your own in-game)


"Rental Pokemon make a comeback for when you wish to battle friends who don't have Diamond or Pearl. These are done in the new Colosseum; Gate Colosseum which is overlooked by Poketopia."

Doesn't that imply that Rentals can only be used in that particular stadium?


Pokemon Collecter
Rentals are great, because all though I have one of every pokemon, they're never the same levels that my brother wants to use, so I can't use many.

At least now I can test them out before training them. :)


Mayness Yayness!
Yeah I like this as I like trying out teams from the anime/manga easily whne im bored