Jesse GS the II
I was frozen today!
REPOST: "Pokémon: Intensity" - Season 3 (Rated TV-14)
Here's the start of the third season - and it's also the first season to feature new episodes that weren't in the first go-round of the series. I only replaced one episode this season - 3ACP01 used to be "Get Buzzy", an idea I was never pleased with, so I instead brought back a character everyone's been dying to see more of...
“The Grass Menagerie”
Episode 2ACP23
Original Airdate: 9/23/05
Guest Voice: Lauren Tom as Vileplume
To celebrate the seven-year anniversary of the day they officially started going out, Ash decides to buy Misty a bouquet of flowers. Unfortunately, the Goldenrod Flower Shop has nothing he likes, so he makes a cross-region trip to Celadon City to see Erika, figuring there is no higher authority on flora than her. When he gets there, he peruses Erika’s supply of flowers while his Pokémon explore the nursery. Pikachu uncovers a room full of nothing but potted Pokénip and decides to try some, immediately getting hooked. Meanwhile, Venusaur meets up with Erika’s female Vileplume, striking up a conversation. They develop a relationship in minutes, but Ash has found the flowers he wants and is ready to leave. Venusaur reluctantly follows, and Pikachu secretly sneaks out some Pokénip of his own. Back at home, Misty is enthralled with her flowers, and Venusaur still longs to talk to Vileplume again. Ash points out that Vileplume is much younger than Venusaur, and their relationship seems too kinky to actually work. However, Pikachu has become totally stoned off his Pokénip stash and tells Venusaur to go and see Vileplume again regardless of what Ash says. Venusaur takes Pikachu’s advice, breaking out of his Poké Ball one night and setting off towards Celadon City. Ash awakens to find Venusaur missing, and he and Misty drive off to retrieve him, with a completely wasted Pikachu along for the ride. At Erika’s gym, Venusaur admits to Vileplume how much he adores her – until Vileplume admits that in Pokémon years she’s only 14, 49 years younger than Venusaur. Disgusted, Venusaur leaves with Ash, but not before Ash forces Pikachu to quit taking Pokénip.
“Not-So-Rapid Fire”
Episode 2ACP24
Original Airdate: 9/30/05
Guest Voice: Andy Serkis as Pupitar
As Class B agents, Jessie and James rarely, if ever, use their Pokémon anymore. Giovanni notes this is true for all Rocket agents who carry firearms and sends out the message that all Class A and B agents must release their Pokémon teams back into the wild. Jessie and James are reluctant to do so – having been stuck in the first four ranks of Team Rocket for most of their careers, they’ve grown closer to their teams than other agents. Nonetheless, Jessie releases Sneasel, Dustox, Seviper, Wobbuffet, Mightyena, and Eevee, while James releases Cacturne, Murkrow, Houndoom, Chimecho, and Larvitar. Since Meowth is treated as a separate agent, he is forced to resign. As James bids his team goodbye, Larvitar refuses to leave. To show its attachment to James, it forces itself into evolution, becoming a Pupitar. James realizes what a stupid requirement this is and secretly keeps his team. Meanwhile, Meowth searches across the three regions for gainful employment, but can find very few people who would hire him. Eventually, he is caught by Kanto Animal and Pokémon Control and sent to the pound. When Jessie and James are sent to the Devon Corporation to steal a shipment of computer parts, James does things his own way, using his Pokémon for everything and never touching his gun. Though the mission is successful, Giovanni reads James’ performance review and threatens to demote him for disobeying his order. James points out that Giovanni still has his Persian – according to the new rule, he should release it. Giovanni finally sees James’s point and repeals the rule. Upon the reversal, Jessie and James are sent on a special mission – using their Pokémon to stick up a bank to pay for getting Meowth out of the pound.
“Catcher and the Rival”
Episode 3ACP01
Original Airdate: 10/7/05
Guest Voice: Michael Bublé as Brendan Birch
May begins to worry about whether or not she will ever get a boyfriend. She figures that she needs someone to talk to about the matter, so she and Max visit their parents Norman and Caroline in Petalburg City. When they arrive, they see that Norman and Caroline are already receiving company - Professor Birch, who requires assistance with his newest project, a device that will allow trainers to trade Pokémon with trainers in other countries. While there, May is introduced to Birch’s 20-year-old son Brendan, whom she has never met before, and is instantly smitten with him. She is, however, unsure about talking to him. Max encourages her, and soon she and Brendan have set up a date together. Back at home, May tells Ash and Misty about her impending date, and Max begins to feel left out as well. He decides then and there to try and find a girlfriend for himself. At dinner, May engages Brendan in conversation, but Brendan quickly turns the topic to himself and all the great Pokémon training stories he has to share. May is enthralled. Meanwhile, Max looks all over his high school for a potential girlfriend, and finds one in star student Kristen Nakanishi. However, he can’t even get her to look his way, and implores Ash’s help. Ash decides that Max needs to improve his image and suggests that he get contacts and a better wardrobe. May continues to enjoy her relationship with Brendan, but after a few more dates it becomes apparent that Brendan is very self-absorbed. May doesn’t want to end her relationship, however, and continues to see Brendan on a regular basis. Meanwhile, Max’s new image gives him the confidence he needs to approach Kristen and request a date, but on the big night, she stands him up. May experiences even worse luck - Brendan feels that May doesn’t respect him enough. May tells Brendan just how selfish he is and breaks up with him immediately. Back at home, May and Max decide that they aren’t ready for relationships after all.
“The Legend of Drunken Pokémon Master”
Episode 3ACP03
Original Airdate: 10/14/05
After a particularly rough day at work, Ash swings by Kevin’s for a quick drink. He winds up telling the guys a humorous story that happened to him several days ago and stays longer than he expected, ordering several more drinks. After an hour or so, he is so drunk that Kevin insists on having him take a cab home. Ash refuses and drives back to the apartment, but his reckless driving catches the attention of Officer Jenny, who arrests him for driving under the influence. Misty is appalled that Ash has received a D.U.I. and forbids him to go to Kevin’s anymore. Ash feels Misty’s ruling is unfair – he had never gotten that drunk before. But he nonetheless agrees to stop going, instead coming directly home every day. After several weeks of this, Misty decides that Ash is responsible and lets him go back. But the guys at Kevin’s don’t accept him, as they had not heard that Ash had been arrested. Ash returns home, telling Misty that he’s lost his friends thanks to her. Misty insists that they weren’t decent friends if they didn’t try to stop him from driving drunk. Ash realizes that she’s right. He decides to find a new hangout, but he realizes that he doesn’t really fit in anywhere else. Ash returns to Kevin’s to explain the whole story, and the guys forgive him, allowing him back in. Ash is relieved, and tells Kevin to never let him drive home intoxicated again.
“Censor and Sensibility”
Episode 3ACP04
Original Airdate: 10/28/05
Guest Voice: Jay Mohr as Robert Tanaka
Ash and Misty prepare to watch an all-night horror movie marathon on TV. However, the marathon is on basic cable, and all the most violent and explicit bits of Ash’s favorite films have been excised. Ash is outraged, insisting that he should be able to see the whole movie. The next day, he drives to the TV station and voices his concern. The head of the network, Robert Tanaka, tells Ash that the films have to be edited to appeal to the network’s main viewing demographic. Ash points out that the network would most likely get more ratings if they showed the movies intact. Tanaka takes Ash’s suggestion to heart, and commissions the network to re-air the marathon one week later, this time uncut. Ash is overjoyed, and he, Misty, Pikachu, and Togetic stay up on Halloween to watch the slasher films all the way through. Though Ash and Piakchu are entertained, Misty and Togetic are disgusted and terrified. They are not alone – the next day, the network is swamped with phone calls and e-mails protesting the decision to air the uncensored films. When the ratings come back, Tanaka is shocked to learn that three-quarters of the viewing audience stopped watching halfway through the night. With angry protesters on one hand and plummeting ratings on the other, Ash realizes he has nearly doomed his favorite channel to death. He returns to the station, calming the crowd protesting outside by admitting that the uncut marathon was his idea and that it was a dumb choice. Forgiven, the network remains on the air.
“The Bridge on the River Kawaii”
Episode 3ACP05
Original Airdate: 11/11/05
Ash and Misty note that Pikachu and Togetic are getting too lazy for their own good and decide to take them for a walk one day. On the streets of Goldenrod, people continually mention how cute Pikachu looks. Eventually, Pikachu tires of this, claiming that he doesn’t try to be cute anymore. Togetic, however, does not get any of these remarks, as her apathetic and intimidating attitude is enough to convince people. Pikachu decides that he should adopt a bigger “tough-guy” attitude to prevent any more cute comments. He takes Ash’s suggestion to get more exercise, becoming stronger than before. He even alters his appearance, streaking his yellow fur red and letting his overhang of hair grow wilder. Soon, he feels he looks enough like a punk to go out in public without being “complimented”. But people on the street think Pikachu looks even cuter than before with red stripes and long hair. Pikachu is outraged. He deduces that there is only one other way for him to lose his cute façade – evolve himself into a Raichu. Ash forbids him to do so, but Togetic points out that Pikachu makes his own rules now. Pikachu agrees and bolts from Ash’s apartment one day, purchasing a Thunder Stone from the Goldenrod Department Store with Ash’s money. After evolving himself, Raichu feels that he cannot possibly send the wrong vibe – but people still think he’s adorable. Absolutely fuming now, Raichu lets loose on the sidewalk with a Thunder attack so powerful, it sends everyone within a thirty-meter radius to the hospital. Raichu is to be euthanized as a menace to society, but Ash steps in and saves him, convincing him that strangers’ opinions don’t matter. Raichu returns home, where Ash uses a bottle of Devolution Spray to return him to a Pikachu.
Here's the start of the third season - and it's also the first season to feature new episodes that weren't in the first go-round of the series. I only replaced one episode this season - 3ACP01 used to be "Get Buzzy", an idea I was never pleased with, so I instead brought back a character everyone's been dying to see more of...
“The Grass Menagerie”
Episode 2ACP23
Original Airdate: 9/23/05
Guest Voice: Lauren Tom as Vileplume
To celebrate the seven-year anniversary of the day they officially started going out, Ash decides to buy Misty a bouquet of flowers. Unfortunately, the Goldenrod Flower Shop has nothing he likes, so he makes a cross-region trip to Celadon City to see Erika, figuring there is no higher authority on flora than her. When he gets there, he peruses Erika’s supply of flowers while his Pokémon explore the nursery. Pikachu uncovers a room full of nothing but potted Pokénip and decides to try some, immediately getting hooked. Meanwhile, Venusaur meets up with Erika’s female Vileplume, striking up a conversation. They develop a relationship in minutes, but Ash has found the flowers he wants and is ready to leave. Venusaur reluctantly follows, and Pikachu secretly sneaks out some Pokénip of his own. Back at home, Misty is enthralled with her flowers, and Venusaur still longs to talk to Vileplume again. Ash points out that Vileplume is much younger than Venusaur, and their relationship seems too kinky to actually work. However, Pikachu has become totally stoned off his Pokénip stash and tells Venusaur to go and see Vileplume again regardless of what Ash says. Venusaur takes Pikachu’s advice, breaking out of his Poké Ball one night and setting off towards Celadon City. Ash awakens to find Venusaur missing, and he and Misty drive off to retrieve him, with a completely wasted Pikachu along for the ride. At Erika’s gym, Venusaur admits to Vileplume how much he adores her – until Vileplume admits that in Pokémon years she’s only 14, 49 years younger than Venusaur. Disgusted, Venusaur leaves with Ash, but not before Ash forces Pikachu to quit taking Pokénip.
“Not-So-Rapid Fire”
Episode 2ACP24
Original Airdate: 9/30/05
Guest Voice: Andy Serkis as Pupitar
As Class B agents, Jessie and James rarely, if ever, use their Pokémon anymore. Giovanni notes this is true for all Rocket agents who carry firearms and sends out the message that all Class A and B agents must release their Pokémon teams back into the wild. Jessie and James are reluctant to do so – having been stuck in the first four ranks of Team Rocket for most of their careers, they’ve grown closer to their teams than other agents. Nonetheless, Jessie releases Sneasel, Dustox, Seviper, Wobbuffet, Mightyena, and Eevee, while James releases Cacturne, Murkrow, Houndoom, Chimecho, and Larvitar. Since Meowth is treated as a separate agent, he is forced to resign. As James bids his team goodbye, Larvitar refuses to leave. To show its attachment to James, it forces itself into evolution, becoming a Pupitar. James realizes what a stupid requirement this is and secretly keeps his team. Meanwhile, Meowth searches across the three regions for gainful employment, but can find very few people who would hire him. Eventually, he is caught by Kanto Animal and Pokémon Control and sent to the pound. When Jessie and James are sent to the Devon Corporation to steal a shipment of computer parts, James does things his own way, using his Pokémon for everything and never touching his gun. Though the mission is successful, Giovanni reads James’ performance review and threatens to demote him for disobeying his order. James points out that Giovanni still has his Persian – according to the new rule, he should release it. Giovanni finally sees James’s point and repeals the rule. Upon the reversal, Jessie and James are sent on a special mission – using their Pokémon to stick up a bank to pay for getting Meowth out of the pound.
“Catcher and the Rival”
Episode 3ACP01
Original Airdate: 10/7/05
Guest Voice: Michael Bublé as Brendan Birch
May begins to worry about whether or not she will ever get a boyfriend. She figures that she needs someone to talk to about the matter, so she and Max visit their parents Norman and Caroline in Petalburg City. When they arrive, they see that Norman and Caroline are already receiving company - Professor Birch, who requires assistance with his newest project, a device that will allow trainers to trade Pokémon with trainers in other countries. While there, May is introduced to Birch’s 20-year-old son Brendan, whom she has never met before, and is instantly smitten with him. She is, however, unsure about talking to him. Max encourages her, and soon she and Brendan have set up a date together. Back at home, May tells Ash and Misty about her impending date, and Max begins to feel left out as well. He decides then and there to try and find a girlfriend for himself. At dinner, May engages Brendan in conversation, but Brendan quickly turns the topic to himself and all the great Pokémon training stories he has to share. May is enthralled. Meanwhile, Max looks all over his high school for a potential girlfriend, and finds one in star student Kristen Nakanishi. However, he can’t even get her to look his way, and implores Ash’s help. Ash decides that Max needs to improve his image and suggests that he get contacts and a better wardrobe. May continues to enjoy her relationship with Brendan, but after a few more dates it becomes apparent that Brendan is very self-absorbed. May doesn’t want to end her relationship, however, and continues to see Brendan on a regular basis. Meanwhile, Max’s new image gives him the confidence he needs to approach Kristen and request a date, but on the big night, she stands him up. May experiences even worse luck - Brendan feels that May doesn’t respect him enough. May tells Brendan just how selfish he is and breaks up with him immediately. Back at home, May and Max decide that they aren’t ready for relationships after all.
“The Legend of Drunken Pokémon Master”
Episode 3ACP03
Original Airdate: 10/14/05
After a particularly rough day at work, Ash swings by Kevin’s for a quick drink. He winds up telling the guys a humorous story that happened to him several days ago and stays longer than he expected, ordering several more drinks. After an hour or so, he is so drunk that Kevin insists on having him take a cab home. Ash refuses and drives back to the apartment, but his reckless driving catches the attention of Officer Jenny, who arrests him for driving under the influence. Misty is appalled that Ash has received a D.U.I. and forbids him to go to Kevin’s anymore. Ash feels Misty’s ruling is unfair – he had never gotten that drunk before. But he nonetheless agrees to stop going, instead coming directly home every day. After several weeks of this, Misty decides that Ash is responsible and lets him go back. But the guys at Kevin’s don’t accept him, as they had not heard that Ash had been arrested. Ash returns home, telling Misty that he’s lost his friends thanks to her. Misty insists that they weren’t decent friends if they didn’t try to stop him from driving drunk. Ash realizes that she’s right. He decides to find a new hangout, but he realizes that he doesn’t really fit in anywhere else. Ash returns to Kevin’s to explain the whole story, and the guys forgive him, allowing him back in. Ash is relieved, and tells Kevin to never let him drive home intoxicated again.
“Censor and Sensibility”
Episode 3ACP04
Original Airdate: 10/28/05
Guest Voice: Jay Mohr as Robert Tanaka
Ash and Misty prepare to watch an all-night horror movie marathon on TV. However, the marathon is on basic cable, and all the most violent and explicit bits of Ash’s favorite films have been excised. Ash is outraged, insisting that he should be able to see the whole movie. The next day, he drives to the TV station and voices his concern. The head of the network, Robert Tanaka, tells Ash that the films have to be edited to appeal to the network’s main viewing demographic. Ash points out that the network would most likely get more ratings if they showed the movies intact. Tanaka takes Ash’s suggestion to heart, and commissions the network to re-air the marathon one week later, this time uncut. Ash is overjoyed, and he, Misty, Pikachu, and Togetic stay up on Halloween to watch the slasher films all the way through. Though Ash and Piakchu are entertained, Misty and Togetic are disgusted and terrified. They are not alone – the next day, the network is swamped with phone calls and e-mails protesting the decision to air the uncensored films. When the ratings come back, Tanaka is shocked to learn that three-quarters of the viewing audience stopped watching halfway through the night. With angry protesters on one hand and plummeting ratings on the other, Ash realizes he has nearly doomed his favorite channel to death. He returns to the station, calming the crowd protesting outside by admitting that the uncut marathon was his idea and that it was a dumb choice. Forgiven, the network remains on the air.
“The Bridge on the River Kawaii”
Episode 3ACP05
Original Airdate: 11/11/05
Ash and Misty note that Pikachu and Togetic are getting too lazy for their own good and decide to take them for a walk one day. On the streets of Goldenrod, people continually mention how cute Pikachu looks. Eventually, Pikachu tires of this, claiming that he doesn’t try to be cute anymore. Togetic, however, does not get any of these remarks, as her apathetic and intimidating attitude is enough to convince people. Pikachu decides that he should adopt a bigger “tough-guy” attitude to prevent any more cute comments. He takes Ash’s suggestion to get more exercise, becoming stronger than before. He even alters his appearance, streaking his yellow fur red and letting his overhang of hair grow wilder. Soon, he feels he looks enough like a punk to go out in public without being “complimented”. But people on the street think Pikachu looks even cuter than before with red stripes and long hair. Pikachu is outraged. He deduces that there is only one other way for him to lose his cute façade – evolve himself into a Raichu. Ash forbids him to do so, but Togetic points out that Pikachu makes his own rules now. Pikachu agrees and bolts from Ash’s apartment one day, purchasing a Thunder Stone from the Goldenrod Department Store with Ash’s money. After evolving himself, Raichu feels that he cannot possibly send the wrong vibe – but people still think he’s adorable. Absolutely fuming now, Raichu lets loose on the sidewalk with a Thunder attack so powerful, it sends everyone within a thirty-meter radius to the hospital. Raichu is to be euthanized as a menace to society, but Ash steps in and saves him, convincing him that strangers’ opinions don’t matter. Raichu returns home, where Ash uses a bottle of Devolution Spray to return him to a Pikachu.